Chapter Twenty six

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It feels wrong. So wrong.

Even worst when he tried to move his lips with mine. That's when I couldn't do it anymore and pushed him off me. "Fuck," it could have been any guy, but it had to be one of his friends. I feel awful, and when I looked back at June, seeing his angry scowl as he was stomping toward us, I run for my life.

I don't want to face him. I want to get drunk, shit-faced so I can forget this. I don't look behind me, I just move through the waves of bodies and walk straight to the bar where I find a guy pouring vodka into drinks. I don't think twice before snatching the bottle from him and gulping down as much alcohol as I could. On my fifth swallow, it got taken away by none other than a pissed-off June.

He has such an open face, I could read him like a book and I guess that's what I like so much about him. He is so easy to understand, he wears his emotions on his sleeves and I could know what's going on inside his head just by looking at him. His eyebrows were knitted and his lips curled in an angry scowl. He is even more handsome when angry.

"Holy fuck," the guy I took the bottle from muttered but I didn't turn to look at him, but June did. And when he did so, I noticed his sharp-cut jawline and how the vein in his neck popped as he was glaring at the guy. I didn't have time to admire him more as he was already pulling me away from the room, walking straight toward the backyard.

I don't want to talk to him, I don't want him to see him angry and disappointed in me even though I did it exactly for that. He has to know what a fucking disappointment I am before he does something stupid like love me and wait for me to get better. "Let go of me," I claw at his hand but he only hardens his grip, as if he will never let me go.

He will leave eventually when he sees how stupid he is being.

Once outside, alone from the noises and too many people he faces and basically shouts the words out, "what the fuck was that?" I know what he is talking about but I decide to act dumb. "Trying to get drunk and have fun,"

He doesn't look amused one bit, with a hard stare he retorts back, "I'm talking about you kissing a random guy,"

He wasn't random a guy, it was Malu. The guy I met once when I went to see the kittens. "He wasn't random, isn't he your friend?" I'm pushing him, I'm pushing too much he will end up snapping out on me and it will hurt but it's better to get it over now than later.

He takes a step closer, towering over my shorter build. He smells so nice. "I know what you're doing," I look up, eyes meeting his as I respond, "do you want a trophy, genius?" he thinks he got me all figured out, but he doesn't know the root of how messed up I am. He took a moment to analyze me, then it clicked. "You're high."

No, shit.

"And almost drunk, I need more vodka." I say and try to turn around and leave but he holds me in place with his hands on my arms. Suddenly, I want to shrug off my leather jack to feel his skin on mine, but I bite the inside of my cheek just for thinking that. "I think you have had enough,"

Angry, I shrug his hands off me and snarl at him, "and I think you should leave me the fuck alone." I was too harsh, and I regret it instantly when I see the hurt look on his face. "You're right, I should leave you alone,"

He leans his face downward, his nose almost touching mine. "But I won't, call me obsessive I don't care," I take a sharp inhale. "You want to kiss random strangers and and get drunk, go ahead. If you think that's going to stop me from wanting you, you've got me wrong." he tugs a strand of my hair behind my ear, and I almost melt at the feels of his fingers brushing the side of my cheek. "It's only making me a jealous asshole, so If I end up punching someone don't be surprised."

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