|Chapt. 3|

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Y/n's POV: warning: smoking (you can totally skip this chapter once you see **, and continue when you see the same sign)

Rodrick parks the van into a parking spot outside the school, I frown upon seeing the big building. I can't believe summer is over.

"C'mon princess." Rodrick says, smirking opening my door. I blush lightly at the nickname rolling my eyes.

"Y/n!" My friend Jenna runs up to me, pulling me into a big hug. I smile at her patting her back.

"Hey Rodrick." She says twirling a piece of hair around her finger. I roll my eyes softly, she has always had a thing for him.

"hey...Jenna." Rodrick says awkwardly...luckily he has never shown any reciprocation of feelings. I smirk to myself as she frowns.

"Well um...Rodrick and I have to go to class...so we'll see you later?" I ask grabbing Rodricks hand and pulling him along.

"Yah..of course!" Jenna says of course quietly because we were already pretty far away.

"I don't wanna go to class." Rodrick whines, I laugh lightly.

"You sound like a 3 year old, and we don't have to. The only thing they are going over are the rules of the class." I say dragging him outside.**

We both take a seat in the yard, I grab a blunt out of my back pocket. "Oh you know the way to a man's heart." Rodrick says grabbing the blunt.

"Slow your role, I still have to light it." I laugh, I grab the lighter out of my pocket and hold it to the end of the cigarette.

"Yesss." He mumbles, closing his eyes letting the weed sink in. I laugh.

"stop hogging it." I rip it out of his grasp, and put it to my lips. Sucking in the smoke. I sigh and lean my head on the wall behind me.

"HEY!" I look up to see an older student with a hall monitor badge on. My eyes widen, those kids are such goodie two shoes. I stand up putting out the blunt, and grabbing Rodricks hand. We both run to his car, laughing.

"What should we do now?" I ask looking over to Rodrick, my body feeling careless.

"We could go eat." Of course...the munchies.

"Hell yah, lets get a burger or something." I say, turning the radio on.

A/n: another short chapter but you know what...it'll make sense ok?

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