chapter one: the proposal

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(i recommend listening to the music while reading for an enhanced experience) 

y/ns pov: 

dave told me this morning that we are going to go to the beach. he says he has a surprise for me. i'm so excited. this is probably the nicest thing he's ever done for me since he got me an entire box of eggo waffles all to myself eleven months ago. 

it's 5:54 pm and i have to get ready. i set my crocs to sporty mode in case things get intense and put my hair in a messy bun. i don't even need to try to look nice because i have gorgeous beautiful intense piercing ice blue eyes that put everybody in a trance. 

dave left me the honda so i could go there on my own, he said to come at noon and i don't want to keep my bf waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 

while grabbing the keys i overhear the chipmunks (yes when i moved in with dave he said they were staying and i couldn't do ANYTHNG ABOUT IT!!!) talking about how they can't mess up theyre performance. i was very confused because dave told me last week their world tour around kansas had been cancelled because theodore got mono from eating a corndog that he found on the side of the road, but oh well!! 

i get to the beach and find dave sitting in the sand. 

"hi babe 😋😋" i say twirling my beautiful blonde hair around my finger. 

"oh babe!!!!!" dave says, smiling. "ur finally here 😳😍😎" he stands up and holds my hands. "i have something.....verry impotant i need to ask u 😔😔😔"


"NO BABE OFC NOT!!!!!!!!!!!"  

"then what is it??? did u finally get me those tickets to puss n boots 2 that i wanted"

"babe, just listen..."


*the chipmunks enter*

the chipmunks: wHOoooAAOooOwow cAught iN A BaD rOMANNNCceeeee....


"babe...will u..." dave gets donw on 1 nee "mary mee? 🥺🥺"


i wrap him in a hug and all the chipmunks clap. theodore still has a rash around his mouth from that corndog but he sang pretty well. dave slips the ring on my finger. it is 2 sizes too small and the jewel is actually really ugly. i think it's alvin's birthstone but whatever. 

dave carries me into the sunset😍😍😍😍

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