Secrets Revealed

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"Good work, Young Ones. But I'm afraid that one of you has to die in order for our plan to work." The blonde girl said. "Take her!"

Sky and Drew came up and grabbed Lucy.

"LUCY!!!" Mason exclaimed, as he ran after her. Xander and the blonde guy held Mason down.

They took Lucy to a dark room. They shut the door and flipped a switch. The room filled up with a poisonous gas. She died instantly.
"Lucy?" Said a familiar voice.

Lucy stood up and saw two girls coming towards her. One had her hair in a side braid, The other had choppy shoulder length hair with a golden leaf flower crown. Lucy looked down and her long dark hair was straightened to the longest it could be.

The girls walked up to Lucy, And guess who they were? None other than Ally and Aria.
A white llama showed Rose and Benny to the vision room, There a black llama gave them some popcorn. The llama started a film.

The film started with, who was it, Jake. He was with a young satyr and lady. They were giving him some sort of drug...(magically we switch to the scene in real life)

"Jake, no take this tonight and report back to us. It should take care of you headache." Said Lucy. Jake took the drugs and shoved them in his mouth. He headed back to his cabin and fainted. Lucy took one of the keys off of her neck and put one on his neck. Mason dragged him to the HQ.
"Who's that over there?" Lucy said as she pointed to a boy with darkish hair.

Ally went over to the boy. She looked at him and gave him a huge hug. They were over there for a little while, then Ally came back to them.

"Sooo, who was it?" Aria asked.

"Eh, no one." Ally said. She looked down at her arm.

Then Aria stomped over to an other guy with dark hair and started to scold him.

"JAKE SUMMERS!!! HOW DARE YOU KILL US AND THEN DIE!!!" Aria yelled loud enough for them to hear.

Jake just hugged her and he went over to the other guy and they started talking.
After that the film went all scratchy. The llamas quickly got up and gave Rose and Benny saddles to put on the Llamas. They did so, and the llamas followed the Alpaca back o the camp. The camp seemed fine and all but the big three cabins and the Artemis cabin were ruined.
"Bring me the bodies of the deceased." Said the blonde girl.

Xander, Drew, and Sky went to go get the bodies. While the two blondes took the satyr to a chair and strapped him down.

"Okay, Satyr. One chance." Said the girl. "Who was Lucy."

"Well..." Mason rambled on about how he had a crush on Lucy but didn't know if she felt the same way.

"For Gods sake just tell us her parents!!!" The lady yelled.

"Well... Her dad is unknown and her mother... Well... She's adopted... daughter...of... Artemis." Mason took forever to say.

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