Chapter 4

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LA clubs were no joke....

The lights were so bright, it almost looked like it was still daytime. People were wrapped around the building waiting to get in. Our group took a special entrance in, Maddie B and C dancing while walking in. They drug me with them, and I couldn't help but dance along with them. As we were waiting to get our ID's checked, Rudy wrapped his arms around me. He rocked me back and forth to the beat, both of us singing loudly.

It might have been my imagination, but I swear I heard Elaine scoff in disgust. I paid no mind to it, Rudy and I were just good friends. She could have him, it's not like he'd ever want someone that looked like me anyways.

A round of shots was ordered for all of us, cheering before slugging it back. I felt the effects immediately, the warm feeling shooting through my entire body. While the boys argued over who was going to be put on the tab, I walked further down the bar to order another shot. After I ordered myself a drink, handing the bar tender the cash before walking back to my friends. Rudy whipped his head in my direction, a quizzical look on his handsome face.

"Where did you go?" he asked, eyeing the drink in my hand.

"You all were taking too long," I shrugged, sipping my drink.

"You're so impatient." he rolled his eyes.

"Y/n come on! Let's bust a move!" Maddie C shouted while doing an over exaggerated version of the Charleston.

I downed the rest of my drink, handing my glass to Rudy as I followed the girls out to the dance floor. We had danced to a few songs before the guys eventually joining us, Rudy and Drew making a show of their sweet moves(note the sarcasm). A more provocative song started playing, the girls and I getting more into it. I felt arms around my hips, whipping my head around to see an attractive dude smiling at me. I decided to go with it, the girls nodding at me.

I normally wouldn't dance with guys since it made me a tad uncomfortable, but with the drinks I had it blurred those emotions. I felt eyes burning into me as I moved to the music. I looked around to find Rudy with a very unhappy look on his face. I played it off as his protectiveness over a random dude grabbing on to me, not thinking it could be what I wanted it to be. Elaine tried dragging his attention to her, but he paid it no mind as he stared daggers at where the mans hands sat on my waist.

Maddie B and C were both trying to encourage me to dance on this man, obviously trying to rile up Rudy. I shook my head at them, Maddie C nodding intently. Drew busted into our circle, handing everyone another shot, I downed it the second he handed it to me. My brain became hazier as I felt my anxiety of dancing with a complete stranger fade away. I started to get more into the song, dancing without a care in the world. Cheers erupted as the song ended, giggles coming from the girls and I.

The next song came on, the guy pulling me further into him. I felt the guys hand's leave me suddenly, I turned to see Rudy giving him a death stare. I looked confusedly at Rudy who grabbed a hold of me, hearing Maddie B and C cackle in the background. The guy scurried off, Rudy pulling my back to his front. I turned my head to raise a brow at him, he leaned down towards my ear.

"He looked funny," he said, shouting over the music.

"You're ridiculous." I laughed, nevertheless still continuing to dance with him.

The girls gave me a thumbs up when Rudy wasn't looking, I flipped them off in return. Rudy twirled me around on the dance floor, taking me into his arms with an enormous grin on his face. We danced to a few more songs before he dragged me back with him to the bar, ordering us more drinks.

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