Chapter 3

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LAX's airport was bigger than I could have ever imagined...

I rolled my suitcases along to where Rudy had told me they would be waiting, a duffel bag slung over my shoulder. Hey, I was staying for almost a month in California, I had necessities to bring. I heard my name being called, whipping my head in the direction it came from. I beamed when I saw everyone, making my way towards them.

Both Maddie's made it to me first, taking me into a group hug. They squealed and jumped around, saying how excited they were to see me. Chase ruffled my hair, taking me into a side hug. I spotted Rudy last, a sly smirk on his face. He was more handsome than I remembered, despite seeing his face almost everyday. It was different now that I saw him standing before me, the slight beard he was growing made him look older. He pulled me into a bear hug, inhaling my scent. I did the same, loving the feeling of his arms around me.

"I missed you guys so much." I admitted, pulling away from Rudy.

"We can't wait to show you around!" Maddie C exclaimed.

Rudy took my duffel bag while Chase got one of my suitcases, leading the way to the car. He grunted when I handed him my bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Jesus woman, what's in here?" Rudy asked, using both hands to haul my bag.

"Makeup, shoes, ya know...girl stuff." I shrugged, turning to wink at him over my shoulder.

"There's gotta be some cement blocks in here or something." he grumbled, slinging into the back of the car.

"Careful! There's some expensive shit in there!" I gasped, earning an eye roll from the blonde.

The girls and Chase piled into the back, leaving me to sit up front with Rudy driving. I glared at the three devils in the back, knowing what they were up to. Once we got out of the airport, we jammed out to some 80′s rock. Although, Chase, Rudy, and I were the only ones that knew any of the songs.

I was an old soul, I loved old music. I listened mostly to anything from the 80′s to the early 2000′s, from pop to rock n roll. My mom always liked to tell me that I was born in the wrong era, and I guarantee she's right. I think that's also why Rudy and I got along so well, both of us having the taste for old music. The Maddie's sat back and enjoyed our concert, videoing us at points when Rudy would go crazy.

I loved that I could be myself around them, not feeling the need to hide. Scream singing in the car while dancing with my best friends, this is what I needed after a stressful 4 months. I breathed in the Los Angeles air, feeling the sun beating down on my arm that hung out the window. I watched as the palm trees passed, the salty air feeling inviting.


Once we arrived at Chase's house, everyone pitched in to lug my shit up the stairs. It was a real struggle since Chase had to pick a house with millions of steep steps. We were all huffing and puffing by the time we made it to my room I'd be living in for the next month, all of us crashing to the bed. Rudy crashed on top of me, a giggle erupting from my lips.

"You're comfy," he sighed, squeezing his arms around me.

It was odd feeling small in his arms despite being bigger than most girls, he was a lot more buff than I remember him being. We didn't move for a while, just shifting so that Rudy was laying with his head on my stomach so he wouldn't be crushing me. I spotted Maddie C pulling her phone out.

"Don't you dare Madelyn," I chuckled, knowing she was doing it anyways.

"You guys look pretty comfy." she giggled, moving her finger to zoom.

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