Chapter 17

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I awoke the next morning tangled in the sheets, very naked snuggled with Rudy...

I was sprawled out on the bed while Rudy's head lay on my chest, one hand holding on to one of my breasts. My legs still felt like jello as I stretched out, the alarm from my phone blaring through his room. I reached over to silence it, untangling myself from my boyfriend to get ready for our flight. He groaned loudly when I moved away from him, his eyes still closed as he pouted. Rudy cracked an eye open, his pout deepening as I scooted off the bed.

"Come back, I was comfy." he complained, making grabby hands at me.

"We have a flight to catch, gotta get a move on." I reminded, pulling some comfy clothes on since we would be on a plane most of the day.

"Can I at least have a good morning kiss?" he asked, puckering his lips.

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was trying to trick me to get back in bed. I shook my head at him, heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my morning routine. Rudy trudged into the bathroom, scowling at me. I winked at him, continuing with my tasks at hand. He did his morning business, coming back to ruffle around with his hair.

It dawned on me then that this is what real life couples do...

They just do their business in front of each other, and do normal things. These moments were something I'd never thought I'd get, something I had only dreamed of. It made me stare at myself in the mirror, then look to Rudy. He caught my stare in the mirror, pulling a hilarious expression which had us both laughing. He turned to me, pulling on my arms once I was done.

"I love you so much y/n, more than you'll ever be able to understand." he whispered, my heart soaring as it pounded in my chest.

"Why are you trying to make me cry so early in the morning bubs?" I whimpered, my lips wobbling as I felt tears come to the surface.

"Awww my love, don't cry." he chuckled, my head diving into his neck as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I love you Rudy...I'll never know what I did to deserve you in my life, but I'm so grateful for you." I blubbered, kissing wherever my lips fell.

We embraced for a few more moments before I reluctantly pulled away, both of us laughing at me emotional outburst. He helped me wipe me tears away, leaning in to kiss my lips softly. I patted his cheek, leaving the room to get my suitcase ready.

Rudy and I piled our luggage into the back of his car, doing another run through in his house to make sure we didn't forget anything. His hand immediately reached for mine as soon as we got on the road, his thumb lightly moving on the side of mine. Once we made it to the airport, Rudy paid the parking fee, and we rolled our stuff inside to board our plane.

"This is the first time we'll be on a plane together, neither of us are leaving." Rudy observed, his hand not leaving my waist as we waited to check our bags.

"I know, it's a nice change." I chuckled, wrapping my free arm around him.


"You fucker, you're cheating!" I accused, slamming my cards down on the little table.

"I can't help that I've picked up all the cards I need!" Rudy exclaimed.

We were playing Phase 10 to pass the time of our flight, granted it wasn't that long, but why not. Rudy was two phases ahead of me, and I was frustrated he kept winning every phase. I grumbled as it was my turn to shuffle, Rudy trying to lean in to kiss me.

"No, I'm mad at you." I pouted, turning my head away when he tried again.

"Baby come on, it's a game." he laughed, grabbing my jaw to try and turn my head to his.

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