Chapter 13

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Well...let's just say my neighbors were not so fond of all the screaming and moaning they heard last night...

They ended up banging on the wall at one point, demanding us to quiet down. I couldn't help it though, Rudy knew just exactly what to do to make me scream for him. He loved being vocal, he lived to make me create as much noise as possible. I would never get tired of the look he had in his eyes when I made any type of indication of how good he made me feel.

I never thought in any world I could have someone like Rudy, someone who cherished me as he did. What he said to my parents last night still rolled over and over in my head, I was feeling panic and love for this man all at once.

someone I want to spend the rest of my life with..

But did he?

At the same time, it made butterflies roll deep in my belly. I was lucky enough to call this man mine, but when did it stop? What was the catch? How long would this last until he was tired of being with me?

I was brought out of my deep thoughts by a sudden kiss from Rudy, a cute smile on his lips as he kept his face close to mine. I did a double take as I was now presented with very cleanly shaven face, my fingers instantly feeling the smooth skin.

"I liked the facial hair," I pouted.

"I did too, but I had to for a magazine that wants to feature me." he sighed, taking a seat beside me at the kitchen table.

"That's awesome! When...When do you have to go back?" I whispered, my gaze leaving his to stare at the table.

"In a few days, when your vacation is up." he mumbled, laying his head on my shoulder as his arms came around me.

"I wish I could come...I miss your bed." I admitted, giggling when Rudy scoffed.

"That's the only reason you want to come back with me is to sleep in my bed?" he said mock offended, pulling his head back.

"Well, I guess we could do other things." I said, brushing my lips with his.

Rudy leaned the rest of the way to connect our lips, prying his tongue into my mouth to play with mine. While I did miss the tickle of his facial hair, I loved running my hands over his bare face. The skin was soft and light under my fingertips.

I pulled away once I became out of breath, Rudy chasing after my lips. His phone rang moments later, grumbling as he picked it up. He excused himself to go to the other room, kissing my lips again before going towards my room. Rudy came back a few minutes later, a smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, not being able to help but smile with him.

"You're just so beautiful, I can't believe you're mine." he sighed, leaning against the doorway.

"Quit," I scoffed, my face turning beat red.

"I told my manager that I was here with you and they want me to do a shoot with a photographer here." he spoke, coming back to his previous spot.

"When will you be doing that if you have to leave soon?" I questioned, turning my eyes from my laptop to meet his.

"They want me to go tonight, is that ok with you?" he mumbled, his eyes casting down.

"You don't have to ask me," I chuckled.

"I'm hoping it doesn't take too long, I have plans for you later." he smirked, his fingertips gliding along my thigh.

"I have some homework I need to finish anyway, and you won't be here to distract me." I teased, cackling when Rudy's mouth hung open.

"I don't know whether to be offended or turned on." he grinned, my head going back as my laughter grew.

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