Chapter 11

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It's been a month and a half since Rudy told me about his short film, our conversations became less frequent which worried me deeply...

I didn't want to drift apart from him, and that's exactly what I feared was happening now. I tried to indulge into my school work, but it became harder to focus when I kept checking to see if I had a text or at least a SnapChat from him. I didn't want to bother him by blowing up his phone either, becoming an annoyance he'd soon grow tired of. I expressed my concerns to both Maddie's on our daily FaceTime call, hoping to get some reassurance for my MIA boyfriend.

"We've been in a lot of meetings with Jonas and Netflix to try and get season 2 of OBX approved, I don't even know why we have to be there because they don't really talk to us." Maddi B commented.

"Plus Rudy has that short film on top of everything, so I imagine all of this is taking up his time. Don't fret though, he said in our last meeting how horrible he felt that you all couldn't talk as much with the both of you being so busy. He talks about you to everyone and how much he misses you." Maddie C inputed.

"Awww, he's so sweet. Maybe I am overthinking things, when I go to work tomorrow I'm demanding a week paid vacation because I need a break. Midterms are coming up and I've barely had any time to study." I sighed.

"You need to focus on school, that's the most important thing right now. You know Rudy would say the same, you need to take that week to relax and get everything in order." Maddie B pointed out.

"Yeah you're right, jesus I forgot I have to fucking close at work tonight. I'm going to start applying to different places that actually care about their employees, and will work with school schedules." I huffed, swinging my legs off of my bed.

"We'll let you go then babe, love you!" Maddie B called, waving in the camera.

"Love you y/n!" Maddie C said, blowing a kiss in the camera.

"I love and miss you guys, I'll see you later." I smiled, hanging up.


Work was awful, being a shift manager was not all it was out to be. I hated dealing with difficult people and sometimes the other employees. I had just finished have a shouting match with this lady who was down right insulting both me and the other cashier working. I was so glad to be locking up once we closed, practically sprinting to my car, I was stopped by the cashier I had worked with tonight.

"Hey y/n, I-I was wondering you know if um.." he said.

Shit, I knew where this was going...

"Maybe we could hang out some time, I think you're really pretty and uh...yeah I think we should get together more." he spoke.

"That's nice and all pal, but she has a boyfriend." was heard from behind us.

I froze in my spot, tears coming to my eyes. I whipped around to see Rudy leaning against my car, his blue eyes zeroing in on the guy. He scurried off, leaving just Rudy and I.

"Hi baby," Rudy spoke, a smile so wide on his face.

He looked different, having grown a mustache and slight beard. His hair was longer too, but still handsome as ever. I let out a watery laugh once I was out of my trance, blinking to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I dropped my stuff in front of my car, throwing myself in his arms.

"Oh my god, are you real? Are you really here?" I blubbered, pulling back to hold his face. He held me tight against him, combing some stray hair from my face.

"I'm here, you're even more beautiful than I remember." he gushed, beaming as he laid his forehead to mine.

"I look like shit Ru, I don't even have makeup on." I giggled, feeling his facial hair under my fingertips.

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