Chapter 19

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It seemed like the world was moving in slow motion, Rudy lying motionless on the floor.....

I heaved out a sob as I tried to shake him awake, Jack thankfully coming to my aid as he called an ambulance. Everyone cleared out, including Beth. I couldn't believe this was happening, it was like something out of a movie. Except this was real life.


The doctor in the emergency room said Rudy was lucky to be alive. Whatever Beth had given him reacted severely to his nervous system, causing what looked like an allergic reaction. I cried for hours after the doctor left, the thought of being left on this Earth without Rudy cast complete dread over me. I held his hand as tears leaked down my cheeks, playing with his fingers in hope that he would wake up.

I heard a groan, my head shooting up. Rudy blinked his eyes open slowly, adjusting to the bright lights of the hospital room. He squeezed my hand, lolling his head over to look at me. I smiled through my tears, letting out a watery laugh.

"Hi baby," he slurred, grinning sleepily.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I asked, wiping away the tears with my sleeve.

"Tired, my throat hurts a little." he informed me, shifting slightly in his bed.

"I'll get you a drink sweetheart." I spoke, getting up from my chair.

"Don't be gone too long," he teased, a smirk adorning his sleepy face.

I chuckled lightly, quickly making my way to find a vending machine. I brought both of us a water, asking the nurse for a cup of ice and a straw. I helped Rudy sit up, instructing him to sip the water slowly. When I asked him if he remembered what happened, I wasn't expecting him to start the water works.

"I don't even know how she could have got the drug in my beer! You know I would never-I-I could never cheat on you. I l-love y-you, please don't hate me." he sobbed, my mouth hanging open as he brought his hands to cover his face.

"No no baby, I know. Please don't cry." I soothed, prying his hands from his face.

"I want to marry you, and have babies with you. S-She made me think it was you. I thought I was kissing you." he blubbered, my heart leaping at his confession.

"It's alright Ru, I knew she was up to no good. We should really press charges." I said, caressing his cheek.

"Won't do any good, no one saw her put anything in my drink." he murmured, leaning into my palm.

"I should beat her ass." I scoffed, shaking my head.

"You believe me though right? I can't-I would never ever do that to you. You're the love of my life y/n." Rudy sniffled, holding my hand with his.

"Of course I believe you, I love you so much Ru." I smiled, kissing his lips gently.


Rudy was discharged the next day, the doctor giving him strict orders to rest for another week before going back to work. He also had a pretty good sized knot on the side of his head from where he hit the floor when he passed out.

I knew I was beginning to annoy him with my constant asking if he was ok, and hovering over him like a protective mother. I couldn't help it though, he literally could have died. My anxiety was shot sky high, not being able to get the image of him practically motionless on the ground. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of absolute horror I felt when he wouldn't wake up.

I sat on the bed beside of him, tapping away on my computer as I looked for some jobs out in LA for after I graduate. I didn't realize how shaky my hands had become, my fingernails throbbing from how bad I had bitten them the night before. I shook my hands out in frustration, bringing them up to rub my temples.

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