Chapter 8

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The group chat I shared with the cast was popping off the next day...

Mads💕(MC): Hope everyone has a marvelous day bc Y/n and Rudy made out on our front lawn☺️

Jombie🏄‍♂️(Chase): It was cute and gross all at the same time🤢

My Other Mads💗(MB): FINALLY

Starboy🌟(Drew): Wait I thought you guys were dating this whole time?

JD🤓: Why are you so slow Drewboy?

Austin💩: I side with Drew on this as I also thought they were together😅

Cutie Pie😍💕(Rudy): Let me be in love in peace!

Baby❤️🤤😘🥰😍(Y/n): Excuse me for inconveniencing y'all😂

Mads💕(MC): I'm just glad you guys finally decided to get your heads out of your asses and confess your undying love😒

Baby❤️🤤😘🥰😍(Y/n): You make it sound like we're in a Shakespeare novel Madelyn🤨

"Our friends are a pain in the ass," Rudy huffed, throwing his phone back on the towel.

We were currently out in the pool, Maddie and Chase were running a few errands. I was sitting on the side, my legs dangling in, and Rudy was in the pool with his upper half leaning beside me on the edge.

"They are concerned for our well being." I chuckled, raking my hand through my long hair.

"I'm concerned about how you can sit there and look so hot. Jesus." he confessed, making a low whistling noise.

"Quit," I mumbled, blushing as I playfully shoved his shoulder.

Rudy came to stand between my legs, ginning widely. His hands came on either side of me, leaning in close. I looked down, playing with my fingers. I wasn't used to being complimented, especially by guys. Never has a guy as good looking as Rudy complimented me, it made me a little uneasy.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he asked, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Nothing I want to bother you with..." I sighed, leaning my head on his.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, I'm here for you. I'll always listen, no matter what it is." he murmured, kissing my cheek.

"I'm just not used to getting compliments is all. Honestly, I'm still afraid this is too good to be true. That this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up any minute." I admitted.

"Baby, why are you so down on yourself? There are some days when I am taken away with your beauty, it makes me wonder how on earth I was graced with such a beautiful creature in my life. I'm real, I'm with you." he said, his hand coming to brush some hair out of my face.

"It's a lot to explain," I said hesitantly, not wanting to seem like I wanted his pity.

"We got time," he shrugged.

So I told him everything, and he listened. Didn't interrupt me once, squeezed me when I choked up.

"I can't believe that all happened to you...I couldn't imagine going through that." he remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, so now you know why I was so hesitant about us." I revealed, not able to meet his eyes.

"Well, I'm glad that I get to be the one to show you what you deserve. You deserve to be treated like the queen you are. Also, if by chance we are in your home state and I see any of these guys...I'm beating someones ass." he declared, a laugh leaving my lips.

"Usually if I run into any of them I high tail it on out of wherever I am." I laughed.

"I need to have words with how they treated my woman," he grumbled, scrunching his brows.

"My knight and shining armor." I gushed, pinching his cheeks.

"Will you go on a date with me?" he questioned, kissing my lips quickly.

"Tonight?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I know you're a movie junkie, so I was hoping we could go see the new Jumanji movie." he offered.

"Sounds fun, I get to stare at The Rock AND Nick Jonas." I teased, Rudy pouting immediately.

"You're so mean." he sniffed.

"Ru, I'm just kidding. You're number one on my hot guy list." I smiled.

"There's a list?" he said, baffled.

"All girls have one." I shrugged.

"As long as I'm number one I guess that's all that matters." he chuckled.


I ran away from Rudy while he was waiting in line to buy our tickets, beating him to at least pay for the snacks. I felt bad that the two weeks I had been here, Rudy had basically paid for both of us whenever we did anything. A thought had hit me then...

I only had ten more days until I left, how were Rudy and I going to do long distance?

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, wanting to enjoy my night. I paid for our snacks, waiting by the entrance to get our tickets checked. Rudy pouted as he walked up to me, eyeing the food in my hands. I got on my tip toes to kiss his pouting lips, handing him his drink.

"This is a 50/50 relationship Ru, I'm not letting you pay for everything." I winked.

"You're lucky you're cute." he grumbled.

The movie had already been out for some time, so we were the only ones in the theater. I preferred that so that I could make commentary without having to worry about someone shushing me. Rudy sat down, pulling the middle thing up so that he could cuddle me to him.

I was feeling spontaneous, and since we were alone it was the perfect opportunity. I don't know what it was that made me have this feeling, but I began to squirm around in my seat. Rudy had me feeling some type of way, I couldn't stop glancing at him. I had no sexual experience, but I had read enough books and talked to my girl friends that I had the idea.

I moved my hand to his inner thigh, rubbing it lightly. A sharp inhale came from Rudy's lips, a satisfied smirk coming from me. I moved my hand a little higher, biting down on my lip. His hand shot out just before I could get to his manhood, leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"Are you sure about that baby?" he asked.

I turned to kiss his lips hard, my hands coming to either side of his face. I removed one hand to palm his member, feeling it harden under his pants. He moaned in my mouth, his hand moving to grab a handful of my hair. I pulled away, both of us panting. He sat up slightly to undo his pants, sliding them down a little. My eyes widened at how well endowed he was, and I thought it felt big under his pants.

I leaned down, taking him in my mouth. Rudy gasped, taking a hold of my hair. I held the base of him with one hand, starting to move up and down. I followed my hand with my mouth, meeting them in the middle. It was music to my ears to hear Rudy panting, shaky breaths following. It motivated me to move faster, suck harder.

"Oh my, baby, I'm gonna cum." he choked out a moan.

I pushed myself faster, taking him deeper in my mouth. He tightened his hold on my hair, bucking his hips. I choked a little, but still kept up my pace. His breathing picked up, stutters of my name leaving his lips. He cursed loudly when he came, shooting all of it into my mouth. I swallowed what he gave me, sitting back up to wipe the spit from the sides of my face.

"Are you sure you've never done that before?" he breathed, wiping sweat from his forehead. He fixed himself back in his pants, throwing an arm around me.

"Positive, you took my mouth virginity." I shrugged, both of us busting out laughing.

"Thank you for letting me be your first sweetheart," he whispered, kissing my nose.

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