Chapter Twenty One

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We walked around the pier for another hour until my stomach grumbled. We found a place with tables and seats. We settled with fries and soda. It seemed unhealthy and gross, but I had to like it for Louis. I didn't want him to know of my eating disorder. I eat the fries one by one, trying not to gag. 

"What do you want to do after lunch? It's only noon", he asks

"You're the driver, do whatever you want to do.", I suggest

"Do you just want to drive around?", he curiously asks

"I guess that would be okay.", I smile

After we ate lunch, we walked around the pier one last time. We got stopped a few times by fans. They took absolutely the longest time to take pictures and talk to him. I waited quietly in the background but I was for sure fans asked about me. Some came up to me and asked me questions, such as if I was his girlfriend and whatnot. I deny everything they said about our possible relationship. 

After all the fans have left, I finally caught up with Louis. I excused myself to go to the restroom and walked into the first stall. I felt a little bit nauseous, I started gagging and eventually just threw up into the toilet. The sudden movement caused my head to hurt. After standing up for a few minutes, making sure I am absolutely fine, I leave the stall. I take a look in the mirror, trying to practice my smile to hide what just happened.

I make my way out of the bathroom, trying to walk confidently. I find Louis by another game with prizes. He was trying to win a stuffed animal. He was throwing three darts at blown up balloons, that were pinned against a wall. He says, "Since you gave the hippo away to a fan, I'll win you another animal.". When the fans approached us, some asked about the hippo. I told them that Louis won them and they squealed like little piglets. I got it signed by Louis and gave it away to a fan. 

He tries and tries, determined to get the big turtle hung up. I urge him to stop but he clears me out of his hearing. He tries and tries and eventually gets three balloons in a row. He looks at me with sparkles in his eyes. He hands me the gigantic green stuffed animal. "It's no diamond ring I can buy with money, but it's a stuffed animal I worked for.", he says

Sorry for the really short chapter this time! xx 

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