Chapter Eleven

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Louis's POV:

What the hell was her problem? Amanda? What was going on?

"Hey mate, we need to talk!", an Irish voice called out. I turn back and see him confront me.  

"Yes?", I confusingly ask 

"What did you do last night?", he roughly asks 

"Um, I was at home.", I answer 

"What were doing there, snogging?", he says 

"What the hell are you talking about?",I exclaim 

"I thought you weren't going to get into a relationship. Do you fucking want to get sent back to London. Simon said if you get any publicity that your career will be ruined.", he explains 

"I was not snogging with anyone! God dammit Niall, why don't you believe me?", I yell 

"Because I have proof. You're not the same. All this attention has gone to your head. Where's the Louis Tomlinson I know",he says while walking away, pushing people behind him

I go back to my locker and grab my books. The first period, I have with Scarlett.

"Okay class, pair up! We're going to do a history board project.", the teacher says

I look around the room and try to find out Scarlett. I walk past the row of desk and find Scarlett drawing on her notebook.

"Hey uhm Scarlett, will you be my partner?", I ask 

"Don't fucking talk to me. I am working on it individually.", she growls 

She stares back to her notebook. I look back to everyone and everyone was hearing our conversation. The girls were whispering and giggling. I overheard one say,"Scarlett turned down Louis. What the fuck is wrong with her?"

"Did everyone find their partners yet?", the teacher raises his voice

Everyone had their partners and me and Scarlett were working alone. "Everyone please sit with your partner and I will come around and sign you guys up.", the teacher says. He walks around and eventually gets to Scarlett.

"And who is your partner?", he says 

"Nobody.", she says 

"Well that can't work. Go pair up with Louis.", he says 

I flick my head to her direction. She was glaring at me. She eventually makes her way to my desk. She grabs a chair and sits next to me.  

"Meet me at my house tonight and we'll work on it.", she quietly says 

I nod in agreement to her. She pulls out her notebook and begins drawing again. The time flies as I watch her swiftly move the pencil back and forth. When the bell rings, she quickly leaves the room. 

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