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We made it to our fourth period, and I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I was excited but there was a part of me that was dreading the class because we shared the class with Alex. We took science, she took economics and accounting and the only classes we shared was Math and English.

I walked in the class following behind Em and Alex and there she was. it was always strange how my heart would skip beats and my breath would hitch like hers did in my dream without her evening looking at me or doing anything. What's attractive in marking papers? I can't even see her face!

'Sit down' I heard Emily say, making me look around the classroom. Of course, I had to make a fool out of myself in front of her and the class. I quickly sat down upon noticing I was the only one standing and took my books out not daring to look up to see her reaction. To my disappointment, she addressed me.

'Thank you for wasting my precious time, Miss Martins. Can I start my lesson now?'

'I.. yes, sorry.' I say apologizing for the second time today. Does she enjoy that? Come to think of it, when we bumped at each other, where was she looking? It was on purpose! Right?
'Thank you. 'She says sarcastically and turns to write a sum on the board.

I turn to glance at Em and she takes her phone out and points at it. I take my phone out and see a message from her.

"Get your head out of the gutter! She literally sees everything you do if you haven't noticed dummy.  It's like her eyes are trained on you."

I shake my head and quickly shove my phone in my pocket.

'Miss Griffiths, care to tell us why we used this formula we used to reach the answer?' This was the first time she called someone for an answer in class. Almost everyone was active, and I always made sure to answer.

'Because AB is a straight-line?' Alex said. 

'You're asking me?' she says in a completely different tone than the one she used with me.
'I mean I'm not sure I understand the question or the approach.'  Alex says.

'Well maybe if you didn't come to my class high you'd understand the "approach" because you're not stupid. Next time you're thinking of getting high don't bother coming to my class. This is not rehab.' The look she was giving her told me she was very annoyed. She didn't even give her a chance to answer as we moved to the next sum.

'Edgar, do equation 3 and explain to the class how you got to the conclusion.' She said sitting on her desk as she called Emily. I was glad in a way that she didn't call me because she was scary but maybe I was next because she seemed to be calling out my friends. Em got up and solved the equation.

Em didn't have a problem with public speaking or eyes on her but when it came to explaining or describing things she had zero skills just like me. My mom would always tease me to never choose teaching as a career. It was easier for us to grasp information but having to explain it took a lot.

She cleared her throat getting ready to embarrass herself.
'Wellll, as you can see I got x= 2 and it's the right answer.' She says and looks over to me instantly regretting it because I am laughing at her.

'You seem very confident it's the right answer but how'd you get to it and why did you use the formula you used? Tell the class.' Miss West says leaning back on her desk like she was enjoying the show.
Was it important? Math exam papers never ask for an explanation, and the graph was clearly cutting at 2 and it was a straight line.

'The graph is a straight line, so we use the formula y=mx + c to find any value and in this case all the values are given so I just substituted and viola.' I couldn't stop laughing so I buried my face on my desk praying Miss West doesn't see me. 'Okay, sit down.' She simply says.

'That was only the basics of math which I'm sure you already learned in 11th grade, so I don't understand why everyone is tense hoping I don't call out their names. Some of you are still not sure what a straight line even is. Well, you should by now. I don't allow failure in my class and if you know you're going to fail, tell me now and I'll help you go back to 11th grade because it's clear you don't belong here. We're starting calculus today and by the end of this week we have a class test. Anyone with 60% and below will attend the afternoon classes with Mr. Piet, clearly you'll understand him better. Turn to page 72, Miss Martins read the paragraph for us.'

I quickly turn to the assigned page and read the "introduction to calculus" paragraph. When I'm done I look up to see her looking at me. 'Thank you.... so' she says and continues her lesson explaining calculus and how the formula was derived but it's like I'm locked still thinking about the second our eyes met so I don't hear a thing she's saying.

The second the bell dismissing us is heard students pile out almost thanking the bell. Em and I were the last students to be out and unlike the other students I cursed the bell. I was enjoying hearing my maths teacher talk and watching her walk around the classroom demanding answers. Our seats were in the middle of the class and as we were approaching her podium she stops collecting her things and looks up at us.

'I heard a lot about the two of you from your previous teachers and I hope you prove them right therefore I'm putting my faith in you two because your classmates seem to be dense.' She says looking at both of us.

'We promise to make you proud Miss West.' I say begging for her eyes to only look my way and she does, a little smirk showing on her pretty face.

'Good. Don't be late for your next class, can't have all teachers hating me now.' She says chuckling that wicked laugh of hers.

'I'm sure they already do.' Em mumbles under her breath.

'Yes. Bye Miss West.' I say chuckling hoping she didn't hear Em. She just nods and we walk out with me dragging Emily not believing she said that in front of her.

'Em what was that?' I say when I think we've reached enough distance from her class.

'What? She really thinks there are teachers who don't hate her?'
' yes, the teachers who "told" her about us clearly like her. She was not even rude to you.'

'She chewed Alex like a gum!'

' she deserved it and you know it too. We all know Miss West is strict but no, problematic Alex can't not have her joint.'

'fine but she likes you. Don't say I didn't tell you.' " Thank you." Em says trying to mimic Miss West.
'When did she say that?' I ask.

'Oh you know exactly when. Just for reading a fucking paragraph and all I get for solving an equation is "okay, sit down" and that's all it took for you to be love-struck' she says rolling her eyes huffing like a disappointed parent.

'Oh babyyyy, are you jealous?' I pinch her cheeks.

'Oh no but she should be.' She says walking ahead of me looking annoyed. Lord, I pray your child is not up to something.


Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now