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'Hehe.' That's what Emily says as I approach her car. She whistles making me shy and self-conscious all of a sudden.

'Is it too obvious that I'm trying to impress her?' I ask thinking about going to change my outfit. Emily hugs me and opens the door for me then goes to her side. 'Do you want me to tell the truth?' She says as she starts her car. I nod.

'Well.. you're always beautiful but anyone will tell you put a little effort today. You're even showing some skin.' She says making me glance down at my outfit. It's just a cropped long sleeve and jeans, it doesn't even show my belly button.

I admit the jeans are a little tight than usual but what can one say? I'm an attention whore for Gia. I had little makeup too. Was I trying too much?  

We had a great time Saturday and when I drove her home, we had agreed to talk today about what's happening between us after a very heated make out session in my mom's car. A little thank you for my gifts, she said.

I hoped my appearance would at least make her consider not dumping me before we even dated.

'you look beautiful though, really. She'll appreciate the view.' Emily adds with a suggestive tone making me think back to the times Gia would openly check me out and her soft kisses.

'Stop.' I say rolling my eyes to stop myself from blushing. She stops, literally this time, parking the car. She laughs and in that moment we see Allesia waiting for us at the building entrance. Her mom drops her and her brother every morning and they ride with us in the afternoon.

Emily and Allesia hug and peck each other on the lips making me raise an eyebrow. 'Hey. You look beautiful.' Allesia says bringing me in for a hug too. 'We have a lot to talk about during lunch.' I say accusing her and she says, "definitely" taking a look at my whole form again smirking. I didn't even go that much overboard. 

My heart flutters and my stomach turns with nervousness as we make our way to our first class for the day. We're early so we're the first ones in the class and we find her sitting alone. She's so beautiful, it's unbelievable, and she always acts so unaware of that.

Feeling our presence, she looks up and smiles when she sees it's my group. The smile quickly turns into a surprised face as she openly checks me out in front of my friends. We finally lock eyes and she gives me one look over before clearing her throat and paying attention to my friends who are standing the observing the reactions.

'Good morning girls.' She says smiling and my friends greet her back. She asks how fall break was and I just prepare my desk and bag and listen to them converse. When they're done, I can feel her eyes on me once again.

I look up and throw a smile her. 'Hi.' She says getting up from her desk making her way towards me. 'Hi.' I say shyly and she chuckles.

'You look so beautiful.' She's says as if about to make a stop next to me but she brushes lightly past me and walks up to the door to greet students and welcomes them back from fall break. I take my seat, flustered at the comment and I can hear Emily snicker besides me which I totally ignore.

In no time, students fill the classroom and she gets ready on her podium getting straight to business. She's talking but I'm really not listening instead I'm checking her out and I take my time. She's gorgeous, she's beautiful and she's any word you can try find to describe her but have I ever told your about her sex appeal? Obviously, after a few kisses and make out sessions that included groping, I've looked at her differently and the tension had seemed to grow.

I still respect her the same but my need and attraction for her has grown since I got the taste of her lips. I've become an addict. I'm still attracted to the same character I fell in love with, still amazed by the same sass and fierceness she oozed and hypnotized by the same rhythm of her hips that matched my heart but all those feelings intensified every time we kissed and every time I see her trying to fight losing control.

Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now