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I was welcomed by a very happy mother who wore a big smile on her face. You'd think that after going out with her car and not updating her that often she'd be freaking out right now but it was the total opposite.

'What's going on?' I ask, evidently confused. 'hi my baby.' Mom says when she sees me appear in the kitchen. 'Uh hi to you too but you're scaring me. I left you miserable about your divorce yesterday.' I say and she just laughs.

Of course I'm very happy she's smiling but I was hoping she's not putting up a front just for the sake of it. 'I decided to wake up and bake and take care of my house since I'm very busy on weekdays and it looks like it worked.' She says proudly.

'What did you bake? Plus it's still early when did you wake up?'

'I slept early so I woke up early. tell me how your night was?' She says changing the subject. I shrug, 'it was good. I had a great day with my friends.'  She looks at me and nods. 'Mhh, you smell good.' she comments.

'Thanks?' I have to admit though, I really did smell good. 'Have you had breakfast already?' She asks to which I nod, 'we didn't burn Ken and Barbie's kitchen if you're worried about that.' I say making my mom laugh but she quickly shakes her head.

'Stop this, when did you start hiding things from me?' My mom says making me frown taken aback by the question. 'What?' I ask nervously chuckling. 'You know the last time she was here I could smell her in the house the whole day. I could never forget that scent. You smell like her.'

'You sound in love mom and who is this her?' I play dumb and my mom scoffs, irritably.

'You like testing my intelligence and my knowledge about you, forgetting I'm your mother. I know you better than anyone and I know you weren't with Emily.'

'Not all mothers know their children like that.' I argue really avoiding the topic she's trying to bring up but knowing my mom, she won't give up. 'Am I all mothers or Asante's mother?'

''Fine and you're the best mother Asante could ever ask for.' she smiles softly and asks, 'what happened?'

'I accidentally called her.' I vaguely say. Mom chuckles, 'you mean drunk called her?' Well obviously mom but I don't want to admit that to you not matter how cool you are.

'I just wanted to wish her a happy birthday.' I say playfully rolling my eyes. 'Oh it's her birthday?' I nod. 'I'm surprised there's something you don't know.'

My mom ignores my jab. 'Well good thing I baked then. Call her again , at least you're sober this time, and invite her for dinner.' I want to act like I don't want to, but I want to see her again so I just nod happy and get up to go to my room.

'I still want to know how you ended up with her.' Mom says in her mom tone making me stop in my tracks. 'mom, I know you're cool but you know I'm not going to tell you every detail about my love life right?' I say thinking telling my mom about our kiss.

'I'll ask her myself then, I wanted to talk to her anyways.'

I know mom is not one to offend people by her words especially Gia, since she's a favorite all of a sudden, but what if Gia took whatever she wants to say the wrong way and it scares her away before what we have even started?

'Mom.' I try to argue but I know she really wants to do this. She sighs leaving what she's doing and looks at me. 'Asante, I'm your mother so at the end of the day whoever you bring here, we have to have the talk. It's not to scare her off or anything, you know me better than that, but I see the way you talk and look at her, so as your mother I want assurance because I can see your relationship is growing into something more.'

Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now