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I have been feeling incredibly overwhelmed these past few days, overwhelmed by school and just life in general and usually when this happens I write, bake or try reading new stuff but that hasn't changed a thing instead I keep erasing all the work I've written. I'm lacking inspiration, feeling stressed and frustrated so I don't want to rush myself and write crap. However, I have been receiving good reviews about the book and increased reads despite not uploading and I am so grateful for that so thank you.


My day was going bad. I was dreading the third period and to top it off, Alex was back. After refusing detention she was suspended for 2 days but I'm sure it was like a mini holiday for her. She hasn't said a word to Emily and I and I was hoping it stays that way.

Now, really, my biggest problem was a certain brunette teacher we were going to see the next period. I was hoping she had forgotten about what happened yesterday but I know that's impossible. The bell rings only for my heart to mimic the repeated hammering against my chest.

'I know you're trying to delay going to her class but please hurry up I don't want to be late.' Emily says as I slowly pack my things away. I do as she says seeing we're the only students left in the classroom.

'is she why you didn't talk much on the phone last night?' She aske as we walk down to Miss West's class, 'yeah, something happened yesterday.'

'Something always happens when you two are alone.' She says smirking, 'thats a lie.' I say scoffing.

'you laugh, you touch, you talk, etc. that's something.' Emily mocks, I'm about to answer her when I see Miss West by her classroom door as we approach. She immediately looks up to me and you can see an expression almost like relief in her eyes. 'Oh morning.. I was about to close the door, glad both of you could join us.'

'Morning Miss.' we both say then Emily proceeds to go in front of me on purpose leaving me behind, 'Miss Martins, see me after class please.' She says closing the door and I can almost hear the desperation in her voice.

'Yes ma'am.' I say and I take my seat. I can't help but notice how beautiful she is today. She has on these high-wasted formal pants, a matching blazer with a little dip on the chest and I'm literally drooling. She's talking and writing on the board and when she turns back, she catches me staring. She spots a small smile on her face and continues with her lesson as I try not to get caught looking again.

When the bell rings, I tell Emily I'll meet her in the lunch hall and I wait until all students are out then I approach her desk. She closes her class door and comes to join me 'Hey, how are you?' she softly says as she seats down on her chair.

'I'm good Miss, how are you?' she nods, 'I'm good too, thanks for asking.' I also nod and it's quiet for a bit, 'you know, I feel bad that you call me Miss every time and I get to call you by your name.'

Don't, it's understandable.' I say shrugging, 'you can call me Gia when we're alone.' I look at her with shock and she laughs at me. 'I mean it'll take time to get used to but okay.'

'About yesterday...' she says cautiously and I quickly look down feeling embarrassed playing with my hands. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.'

'Asante...' she says placing her hands on mine and the instant goosebumps I feel make me look up to her. She tilts her head, 'I just thought your mom may be home and I panicked.' she says squeezing my hands reassuringly. 'I wanted to hug you too.' she softly says almost whispering.

I blush at her words and quickly hide it and say, 'okay. I'm still sorry for the way I overreacted.'
she smiles, 'it's okay. Was this our first fight?' she teases. "What are you suggesting Miss?"I wanted to say but I chickened out.

'I don't really think so.' we laugh at that and I realize she's still holding my hands and it looks like she's not going to stop anytime soon. 'I think Emily will hate me because she spends half of her break time alone now.' she says chuckling.

'It's fine, she understands.' I say and quickly add, 'you look beautiful today.' I say trying not to focus much on the feeling of her holding my hand like that. I don't think she realizes but she's literally playing with my fingers and constantly rubs her thumb across my hand.

'thank you, so do you.' she compliments back.
'I really feel bad maybe you should go to Emily now that we've talked. I'm still gonna see you after school right?'  I also felt bad that my best friend had to sit alone now because of my newfound companion.

'yes, you'll see me.' I say as we separate our hand and I'm already feeling bare and cold. 'These are qualifying 10 students, I think you have the same free period so if you could tell them for me that we're meeting after school in this class.' I nod and take the paper and my bag getting ready to leave.

'I think you're forgetting something' she says and I look around us confused and she gets up and slowly comes over my side leaving space for me to at least breath. 'My hug?' she whispers raising her eyebrow but makes no move so I close the space and attack her with a hug, a much needed one.

I sigh into the hug as she smoothly rubs my back and I squeeze her waist. It's like I'm in heaven, no exaggeration and it doesn't help that she smells so good. I always want to inhale and sniff her neck but I don't want to seem weird. When we pull back it's all smiles and blushes. 'I needed that so thank you.' she says slightly touching my arm on the side.

'thank you, too. See you after school.' I say and takes my things making my way to the door. I turn and do a little wave and she waves back smiling.

Our dynamic is really out of the ordinary yet it feels so natural. I think Miss West likes likes me and she knows I like her.

'oh I know what that little jump means.' Emily says as I join her to the table. 'What?' I say feigning confusion. 'I know you know but let me indulge you. You're very happy because you guys talked and maybe you got some hug or little touches there and there. It's predictable at this point.'

'Well what if I got all of that?' I say smirking, 'exactly my point.' she says rolling her eyes and we laugh. 'I'm really glad you're smiling again though, you know that makes me happy.' Emily says side-hugging me.

I push her back playfully, 'eww, when are you getting a girlfriend?' but inside I want to cry.

'I know what you're doing too, you're trying to avoid getting emotional.' she says and sticks her tongue out. 'I would say marry me but you're blonde.' I say

'or maybe just because I'm not 10 years older than you. Remember you had pictures of Margot Robbie on your phone when we were 16.'

'Shut up and find a girlfriend' I say not wanting to admit she's right. She laughs so hard and says, 'you're one to talk, it's very cute when you can't admit you're wrong just once.'

'Leave me alone.' I say grumpy, 'besides I kinda helped you with Miss you know who so you're going to help me too.'

'Well first you have to like someone and I don't remember you liking anyone except that thing you dated in 10th grade.' I say and we laugh at the memory. 'You really disliked her, she always thought you wanted me to yourself' Emily says.

'it's just that I can smell bullshit from afar.' Emily chuckles, 'yep, that's you.'

'So is there someone you like?' I ask and Emily nods. 'Emily! Why didn't you tell me? I've always told you about my crushes.' I say excitedly because it's been a while since we both dated and back then it was just experimenting but now I feel like we are more mature and we really are looking for something meaningful.

'she's in our class but she's so reserved I don't think you know her.' she says turning red by the second and it's actually cute. 'I mean maybe I know the face not the name.' I think, 'Emmm, I'm so excited for you.'

'woah hold your horses I'm sure she doesn't even know me.' she says, 'well consider it done. What's her name?'

'It's Allessia. I trust you but please don't embarrass me.' She cringes and I just grin.

I hateee this chapter forgive me.

Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now