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Emilys POV

After the call with Asante's Dad a very unsettling feeling fills me. I know they're not in good terms so for him to answer her phone and tell me to leave her is alarming. That might be crazy to think like that about someone and her own father but I've known the man for a while now.

He's never been the violent type but he was very harsh and Asante didn't play by his books. She hated feeling controlled or trapped so I did the first thing that came to mind as I drove to school. I called her mom.

'Hey Emily, aren't y'all supposed to be at school?' She answers cheerfully as always and I hate to dumped her mood. 'Yes mom but uh Asante is still home. She's driving with her Dad today.' I say.

'What do you mean?' You can tell the smile dropped on her face as she asks that. ' she'd never drive with her Dad, is that why you called?' I nod as if she can see me, ' Yes, Mr Martins answers her phone for her after multiple times of honking and said she'll be driving with him then he just dropped the call.'

I hear her sigh deeply, ' okay thank you darling, drive safe to school now. I'll go check up on them.'
'okay bye.' I say as I park my car in the school parking lot. I see I have 5 minutes left until class starts so I quickly make my way there. It sucks that it's math and I can't watch my friend  literally drool over our teacher.

I go to class and when I get in I instantly make eye contact with Miss West and she frowns when she sees I'm alone. She gets up to close the door after checking there's no one else coming and starts her lesson. The other students may not see it but she constantly looks at the door or at her desk fidgeting and I only see it because I feel it too. Asante is never one to miss school.

'Miss August, a moment please.' she finally says and I can see she's getting impatient. I follow her outside the classroom, 'where is she?' she says looking like she can't control herself anymore.

'I mean uh Miss Martins, do you perhaps know why she's not in class?' she corrects her herself but her voice still contains the same desperation. 'she's supposed to be driven by her Dad today but I'm also wondering why she's not here already. I called her mom though so don't worry.' she nods and hesitate but I can see she wants to ask more.

'so she's coming in today?' she asks wanting me to repeat, 'yes miss.' She nods again but repeatedly more like she's trying to understand the situation. 'Did she... she didn't uhm say something else? About me?' I raise my eyebrow confused, 'I mean I just thought she's bunking my class because she's never late.' she quickly adds but I can see right through her, something happened between them.

'Trust me, she'd never bunk any class especially your class Miss so no she didn't say anything.' she nods and sighs, 'okay you can go back to class then, I'll join you soon. Try controlling the noise for me.' I nod and make my way to class leaving her outside.

What happened between them? Would Asante not tell me?

Miss West's POV

I'm a little excited for work today and it's all because of a teenager who's very oblivious to the fact that she brings out some warm feeling in me. Which by the way she'll never know because then I'd be playing a dangerous game.

Her and Emily usually arrive early or with other students but never 2 minutes before class. I keep looking up to see if they'll be making an entrance but I'm disappointed when it's only Emily. She doesn't look cheerful like any other time she's with Asante so my mind concludes that she's not coming in today.

Why? Is it because of the hug? Did I push it too far? Lord, I hope not. I hope all this time I haven't been reading her wrong about liking me. I start my lesson but my mind is not here so is Emily's as I keep glancing at her. Normally I'd call her out for not listening but it confirms to me that something is not okay so I call her outside.

After the talk with Emily I stand outside the class thinking about my next move, do I go to the principal's office and call her mom? Or it's just too extreme maybe I should just wait until the end of the class and see how it pans out.

I stop walking back and forth on the corridors and go back to my class.

Asante's POV 

I hurriedly make my way to my second class after mom leaves, the principal gave me a tardy slip because a lot of time was spent with him and my mom trying to convince me to open a protection order against my dad. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't think I want to deal with the process.

Mom left very angry, but not with me, and called her employee at work calling off. she said she'll open the protection order herself and change locks today. I had to beg her not confront Dad. I was really looking forward to seeing Miss West today I guess the universe really hated me because her class has passed now.

My chemistry teacher accepts my slip and I sit down. Emily is giving me puppy eyes asking silently if I'm okay. I nod at her and try concentrating on the lesson. My own dad hurt me like that, I think, he didn't even seem remorseful after crying like that in front of him. Control drove him crazy that he thought he could control his family too.

First three classes are done for and we're sitting in the lunch hall quietly eating. Emily keeps staring and stealing glances at me scared to say anything. It's funny I almost laugh but physically I'm unable to. 'Hey I'm okay.' I said glancing up at her from poking my food. 'you're clearly not if you can't even eat or speak to me. What did he say to you?'

'More like what did he do?' I scoff. Emily gasps and quickly runs her eyes all over me wherever she can see. 'What did he do to you? I know I should never have left when he said so.' She says scooting closer to me holding my face in her hands and examining it. If he slapped or punched me in the face I'd be in a coma right now.

'He just manhandled me, pulled roughly on my wrists forcing me to go pack so I can live with him to end my lesbianism.' I chuckle but a tear also falls down my cheek. 'He's so sickening and disgusting.' I say as Emily brings me to her embrace making me cry more but silently on her shoulder. We're still in the lunch hall after all.

'you're eighteen years, he doesn't have the right  and to manhandle you? I knew something bad was going to happen today I wish I could've trusted my gut and went on to knock.' Emily says feeling guilty
'I was so worried.' she adds.

'now I missed my first class ever and it had to be math.' I sigh sadly, 'oh and you sure were missed.' Emily comments sarcastically. 'What do you mean?' I press, 'your lover pulled me outside in the middle of the class to ask where you are. You should've seen the frown on her face when I showed up alone.' My heartbeat quickens.

'Really?' I say trying to hide my blush even if my face doesn't turn red but I can't stop smiling and my cheeks feel warm maybe it's the crying. Emily laughs, 'yeah really, stop being cute and go see her in her class. Let her know you're okay she was worried you weren't coming to class because of her.'

I frown, 'what? Why would she even think that?' Emily nods, 'I was like did something happen that I don't know but then I know you'd tell me anything right?' I suddenly remember I didn't tell her about the hug, ' there's something....'

'Asante!' Emily gasps unbelievingly of what I just revealed. 'Nothing major okay? It was a hug, she went to my mom's restaurant Saturday and I just think she was tipsy and now regrets it.' I say sadly, 'i can't believe this happened Saturday and you're serving me cold tea....' Emily dramatically sighs making me laugh at her.

'But FYI she thinks you're the one regretting it so go and show her you don't.' She says pushing me to get up from the bench, ' you'll be okay alone?' I ask her and she nods reassuringly so I make my way to her class.

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