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'Bye. I'll call you!' Emily says as I walk her to her car after school. 'I know you will you nosy ass.' I say making Emily laugh, 'you know me very well.' she says driving off. I love her, she's like the sister I never had.

I make my way to Miss West's class excitedly. I know most of the time we'll spend quiet but as long as I get to spend my time with her. 'Knock knock.' I say peeping inside her open door class seeing her pack her stuff. 'Hey I thought you weren't coming anymore.'

'I wouldn't dare. Can I help you?' she nods, 'yes please, thank you.' and gives me a stack of papers. 'We'll be conducting the exam in Mr Osman's class, the students are waiting for us there already. 'How was your day?' she says leading me out of the class after taking her bags and locks the door.

'It's been pleasant. I forgot I even shed a tear today. How was your day?' I say smiling at her, we're now walking down the corridor side by side. She looks at me and smiles, 'I love how you're always so positive. My day was good too.' She says and we've already made it to Mr Osman's class.

I can hear a little buzz of the students talking to each other but the moment we enter the class they all keep quiet.

'Afternoon Grade 11s, I'm Miss West but I think you all know that by now. I'm not alone as you can see, this is Asante Martins, she's many things but most important to you is that she's the previous winner for the district competition, she's one of our top students and will be your mentor so if I'm not available or you can't understand me you go to her.'

I do a little wave as a few students mumble quiet hellos and Miss West says we can distribute the papers.

'But all that I've said applies to only ten of you and that ten will be determined by this test.' She says as we walk down the isles between the desk, I smile at her teacher mode. This is such a teacher thing to do, talking while going around giving out test papers either encouraging or scaring poor students.

'You can start writing, if you are stuck anywhere don't hesitate to bring your hand up and we'll help you.'

The whole hour is spent with Miss West and I standing and attending to any student who's hand is up. She instructs students to leave their test sheets on top of the first desk next to the door when they're done. It's so sexy to see her in her element and she's so good at this.

'Do you have a ride home?' she says as the last student goes out.'I can just tell Emily to come pick me up again, it's no problem or I'll even take a walk.'

'In this heat? I thought you didn't like sweating princess.' she says smirking at me. I laugh at that and she takes all the tests sheets and looks at the one on top and chuckles shaking her head, 'don't be that kind of teacher.' I tease her.

'Well at least I didn't do it in front of them. I just don't understand how you get the first question wrong.' she dramatically sighs, 'not everyone is smart like me I guess.' I say sighing dramatically playing her game. 'Asante be humble now. Don't get arrogant.' she says trying to get serious but I can hear the playfulness in her voice.

'Can I call your mom? So that I have permission to drive you home I don't want us to inconvenience Miss August.'  she says taking out her phone and I nod giving her the go ahead.

I'm a very private person and I like to give people the same respect so I take a seat as I try not to listen to her conversation even though she's talking to my mom. She talks longer than someone who's only asking for permission but I just ignore that because I know my mom is a talker.

'We can go.' She says smiling to herself, 'what?' she says after locking Mr Osman's class door noticing that I'm looking at her expectedly. 'what did she say?' I ask, I mean you can't laugh with my mom and not expect me to want to know.

'she said yes.' she says shrugging still slightly smiling. 'I'm sure it's not that funny to the point where you can't even stop smiling.' I say hoping I don't sound too pushy but I really want to know.

'I sense jealousy.' she says matter-of-factly opening her passenger door and raising her eyebrow. Why would she even suggest that? Of course I am jealous but I won't admit that to her. I thought I only can make her smile this way. Before I can even answer she points at the door with her head, 'Get in.' She simply says.

She opened the door for me but I just stood there thinking she was going to put her things there and I'd get in the back. Emily always opens the door for me but I obviously didn't expect Miss West to do so. I mentally face palm at my awkwardness and get in. She closes the door and goes to put her things in the back.

'please type in your address for me.' she says as she starts the car after we buckled up and I do so , when I'm done I take time to look around her car. I've always seen it from the outside and I've always thought it's beautiful, of course, but it suits her so well it's classy.

'Do you like it?' she says breaking the silence making my head snap back at her and stop looking around. 'Yes it's so smart it suits you and it smells nice.' I say making her glance at me before focusing on the road again. 'thank you.' she says and we're quiet again.

She speaks after a while, 'you know I was joking when I said you're jealous.' she says sounding a little nervous thinking maybe I took what she said the wrong way.

'I know, I'm sorry I just.... I don't... I mean I'm not jealous, I was just curious.' I say and I see her nod and that's just it. We ride in silence and I can see us approaching my neighborhood I wonder if mom is home because she called off work today.

She stops the car in front of my house and turns to me, 'there you go.' I smile and whisper a little thank you unbuckling my seatbelt prolonging my stay. 'Thank you for being there for me today.' she nods, 'you're welcome, thank you too for helping me.'

'so... see you tomorrow?' she chuckles, 'of course you will. You'll have the honors to announce the top 10.' she says winking. 'That's one huge responsibility.'

'you'll be fine.'


'Can I hug you?' I blurt out nervously,glancing at her. She looks taken aback and hesitant for a moment and I start regretting reading our relationship wrong. 'Never mind, I'm sorry.' I quickly say taking my school bag and opening the door the same time.

I hear her call out my name the same time the door slams but I'm already gone by then. I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid. Why did I have to ruin that? She hugged me today because I was crying, what would be the reason now?

I hurriedly get inside the house without even looking back. I notice once I'm inside that I didn't use my key so mom is probably home. I quietly almost tiptoeing to the staircase.

'Afternoon to you Asante.' I freeze and release a sigh turning around, 'Mom, hi.' I say faking a smile, I was really not in a good mood to face my cheerful mom right now.

''I see Miss West drove you home today.' she says making her way to the kitchen making me follow her. 'Well mom you said she could.'

'I know that, it just took a while for you to come out.' she says leaning on the counter with curious eyes. 'We were just talking about college, can I go sleep? It's been a long day.' I lie.

'you're not going to eat?' she says looking shocked almost insulting my appetite. 'I'm tired mom.' she comes to my side in an instant but doesn't make a move to hug me.

'Asante, if this is about your Da..' I cut her even before finishing, 'I'm okay mom, I even forgot about that, he's not important. I'm just tired, don't feel bad. I love you.' I say hugging her and she nods, 'okay, just know that I'm here whenever you need me.' I nod, saying "I know" and make my way up to my room.

I've always looked forward for the next day but I don't think I want tomorrow to come. I'm so embarrassed, I don't think I'll even have the energy to indulge Emily on the phone like I promised. I just get to my room and let sleep slowly swallow me.

I'm taking care of my nephew (18 months) for a day and all I can say is f them kids.

Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now