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'I- Th.. that's sweet of you. I appreciate that.' I can see her starting to melt so I nod smiling and I fan myself a little. Whew!

What do I say now? Are you gay? How old are you? Okay I already discovered that one when I stalked her Facebook but she stopped posting, at least I found out her birthday. Her instagram is private and it's so frustrating. Does she have bikini pictures?

'you overthink a lot huh?' she says looking at me weirdly, I've been staring at her this whole time but my mind was not here. 'I'm sorry it's one of my bad habits.'
'You do it a lot in class too and how you become the top student is a mystery or you're just too smart.'

'I'm too smart.' I say making her laugh again and she says 'that you are.'  she looks at her wristwatch and sighs. 'I think students will be here any minute now so you should go to your first class so you're not late.' she says standing up fixing her clothes and hair so I stand too taking my backpack.

'thank you for the great company once again.' she says opening the door for me and there's two students waiting outside and she motions for them to get in. 'Have a great day.' I say wishing I would just hug her, 'same to you.' she softly says and I walk away.

I pray to my legs not to fail me because I can feel her eyes are still on me. I turn my head to look back and she's standing by the door, she waves and goes inside her class after I waved back. I'm freaking out, where's Emily?!


It's almost break time when I see a text from Emily saying she's waiting for me in the lunch hall. The teacher is looking at me weirdly because the bell hasn't rang but I'm already packing my things and once it rings I'm the first one out of the class.

Of course I know me being happy is always short lived because I find Emily with Alex. I try to have an open mind and think she'll stay on her lane this time and not bother me. 'Hey guys.' I say and take my seat next to Emily. She hugs me, 'I missed you, who was your chauffeur today my princess?' I push her playfully.

'my mom drove me. I missed you too my love.' she smiles and goes to search her bag, 'I got us ice cream on my way from the doctor's.' I look at the tub ice cream and just melt at how sweet Emily is. 'You're the best, we'll have it after we eat real food though.' I say making Alex smirk and say, 'yes mom.'

I look at Alex and she's on her phone. 'How are you Alex?' I say trying to make a conversation and Emily smiles at me. 'I'm good how are you?' she responds still looking at her phone, I just hum because I know she won't even notice . Whatever she has on that phone has her occupied.

'I just don't know how tiktok algorithm be fucking me up, I'm always on the side of the lgbt shit.' I tense at those words and glance at Emily who looks so hurt, I once told her that she'll see what I mean when I say Alex is not a friend but a homophobe.

'I just hope you're joking even though it's not funny but I hope you're joking.' I say looking at Alex who just shrugs. 'I mean I support you two but I don't need to be seeing this on my page.'

'First you call the lgbt shit and now it's "this"?' You're really showing your true colors Alex and I feel so bad for Emily because I've always known that you're a homophobe.' she laughs it off locking her phone and proceeds to take her lunch out.

'You always want to start shit with me and Emily understands that I'm joking it's not my problem you're sensitive. I'm not a fucking homophobe.'

'Because you have gay friends? You support us because you think you're obliged to because you're our "friend" but you don't have to pretend anymore, we're not friends anyways so say it all. Out with whatever you've been harboring inside that nasty heart of yours.' she laughs again and it just angers me how she thinks this is funny.

' I don't know what you're talking about. Like I said you always want to start shit with me and I won't entertain that.'

'To answer your question Alex, if you watch things repeatedly or even search them, they'll appear more on your fyp so I think tiktok is giving you what you want.' Emily says and gets up, 'let's go eat outside.' she says and I follow suit.

' and if I wanted to start shit with you, you know what I'd do. I'm not scared of you anyways.' I say as I pass Alex and she laughs, 'that's the Asante I know, not this white washed fucking dyke character you're trying to play.'  she shouts poking at me in the process drawing eyes at us.

I waste no time and turn around ready to slap her face but Emily pulls me back causing my hand to only scratch her. 'Asante, no. She's trying to get to you and you're allowing her. It's not like you to act so rationally.' 

'Oh I'm not irrational at all, I've thought about this day and you're not going to stop me.' I say not caring about the eyes on us. Alex is up on her feet and she's smirking, why am I letting her get to me? I've always wanted to slap her big mouth shut though and my hand has been itchy.

'I think you're the one showing your true colors Asante. Violent huh? What would the principal and teachers say to precious Asante's behavior?'  Emily is holding me all this time, 'It's not fair for her to express herself and you're restricting me.' I say trying to guilt trip Emily.

'You'll get in trouble.' She argues as her hands get tighter around me. 'What's going on here?' We hear our principal's voice behind us and it's only then that Emily lets go of me.

'Miss Martins is throwing threats my way and her friend had to stop her from hitting me.' The principal looks at me and then Alex again, 'in my office.' He says and turn on his back, 'Let's go I know you want to do something stupid.' Emily says taking our bags and literally drags me to the principal's office.

'Miss Martins, I want to hear your side of the story.' the principal says once we sit down. 'Alex has been throwing snide remarks about my sexuality and she finally burst today and called me a dyke so I just wanted to defend myself.' I simply say shrugging.

'Miss Griffiths, is that true?' I almost laugh at hid problem solving skills because I can just see from his face that he's over this, he looks soft.

' I didn't throw snide remarks, I always told her I support her and apparently that's not enough for her.' Alex says cheekily, 'did you or did you not call her with a derogatory word?'

'I did.' He sighs, 'why? Why does her sexuality bother you? Did she force it down on you or is it harming you in any way?' Alex just shrugs and mumbles.

'I don't want to hear anything related to this matter again in the future. Miss Griffiths was wrong but you know better Miss Martins than to rely on violence. I'll add you both to today's detention list and if this happens again, I'll take further action. This is not the time for this, you have applications to start and you're seniors now so be the example.'

I just sit there not moving. I broke a record, this is my first detention ever and it's because of Alex. 'Miss Griffiths, the bell has rang. You can go to class, here's your pass. Miss Martins stay back.' Mr Douglas says and writes a pass for me as well but keeps it to him.

'I don't know you like this and I know you feel angry but don't let her take your focus now. You just got your first detention because of her, how much more if you entertain her? I know it's hard and I know you never let go without a fight but keep your distance from this one okay?' I just nod and he gives me my pass.

I start at the toilet because I can feel my anger come back again because I'm crying. I think I'd feel better if at least I slapped Alex just once but of course I have to hold this reputation of being the rational, mature learner and be the bigger person. It sucks. I quickly wash my face after my little crying session and I make my way to Miss West's class.

Students are already in and when I get inside all eyes are on me. I sigh and make my way to Miss West's desk who's also looking at me with worry in her eyes. She takes the pass from me and looks up to me again with questioning eyes. I shake my head pleading with her not to ask anything because I know I'll just start over crying again to which she nods understandably.

I take my seat next to Emily and she gives me my backpack, 'you okay?' I nod and see a sheet on my desk so I get to work.

so sorry for disappearing for a whole week but i was experiencing writer's block and once I get over it just know y'all are going to get spoiled. <3 thanks for reading!

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