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I've been stuck on this chapter for dayyyys lmao. Hope you enjoy!

We decided to wake up and go hiking, which I absolutely hate, but Gia seemed to enjoy it and the view was lovely so I had no choice but to enjoy it. I mean she got this place because I told her I loved nature especially lakes and rivers.

We arrived at this lodge two days ago and to say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. Gia got us a guest house that has two bedrooms both with en-suites,a living room and a kitchen since we only get served with free breakfast and the rest we have to cook for ourselves or order through their restaurant.

We also had a pool and they offer a lot of activities like sightseeing, river boat trips, and so many more. There's also a park that has kids' games and I remember teasing Allesia because she looked like a child in a candy shop when we passed by it and Emily promised to take her.

'We're going back so that we can order breakfast early.' Allesia says making me turn to her and Emily. We're still on top of the green mountain, sitting next to each other, appreciating the view of the long river. It's so beautiful and refreshing.

'we'll follow shortly.' I answer her and turn to look at Gia who just smiles at me. Her simple smile still makes my insides turn. I think she likes seeing me try so hard to not get shy under her stare because her smile turns into an amused one.

"Thank you so much for this. I'm used to going to hotels and beaches during summer vacations. This is refreshing.' I say ignoring her smile. Honestly, I feel like she's been teasing me since we got here two days ago, and we've made out many times but it just ends there.

'Well, we still have a month until you're off to college. We can go, just the two of us.' She says pulling me closer to her side ignoring our sweaty bodies.

'In that case I'll make sure to plan ahead and pay first.' I say accusingly reminding her of when I asked to contribute and she insisted she'll pay for everything because she planned this trip.

We offered to do the groceries since she paid for all of us. Em and Allesia went to this mall that took them an hour, leaving Gia and I to settle in the space. Even then, she wanted to give them her card secretly but Allesia and Emily refused.

"You'll think of this money when you're at school", those were her words when giving up that day. It wasn't even that much food since we order breakfast and dinner from the restaurant. We only make lunch and little snacks there and there.

'We'll see.'  She says once again taking the stubborn route. 'Really, Gia? Just let me.' I say pleading with her making her laugh.
'I thought I'd do my sugar mama duties since your friend calls me that.' She says looking at me accusingly.

'Stop, you heard that? I swear to god, I'm going to kill Emily.' I say feeling embarrassed that Gia had head Emily teasing me about her on the day we arrived and she kept quiet about it.

She laughs, clearly amused by the situation while I'm planning on ways to kill my dear best friend. I get up dusting nonexistent dirt and I extend my hand for her to get up. 'I'm not that old you know.' She says still taking my hand anyways.

'I'm being chivalrous, you know?.' I say mocking her. She laughs taking out her phone and says, "let's take a picture." I smile broadly, scolding myself on the inside, because this is our first picture together. Why didn't I think of that?

Her Eyes, My Haven (wlw)(teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now