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Leandro didn't make anymore appearances for the rest of the night. I was able to eat my dinner in peace, minus the fact that I had Matteo standing in the corner of the kitchen watching me like a hawk.

I also didn't see Renzo for the rest of the night either. Nor did I see Sofia. I'm not sure where either of them went but to be honest, I don't really care either.

As long as neither of those men are near me, I'm all good.

Simon purrs against my leg and I lift my head up, my eyes still blurry from sleep. "Hi boy." I mumble as I rub my eyes with the back of my hands, trying to wake myself up.

Stretching across the bed to get the time on the digital alarm clock, I groan when I see it only reads eight-twenty.

Figuring I should probably make use of the time I have before Renzo makes an appearance, demanding answers, I get out of bed and stroll over to the en-suite, glancing at the bathtub and the shower while I have a silent debate in my head over which one I should use.

I reluctantly go with the shower purely because it's quicker than the bath, plus I don't know how much time I'll have alone. My body aches like hell so I could've really done with a bath, but nevertheless, I open the shower door and turn it on by the control panel.

Once I'm actually in the shower, I wash myself quickly, not wanting to waste any time procrastinating like I usually do.

With a towel wrapped around my body, I head into the closet and open a drawer, taking out some fresh underwear and a bra. I slip them on and pick out a pair of black leggings and a oversized dark grey blouse with a thin belt already fitted onto it.

Once I'm dressed, I put on some socks and a pair of black lace boots, brushing through my wet hair with one of the four new hair brushes that are placed on the vanity table. I also find new makeup products and figure I may as well make good use of them.

Just as I finish applying some makeup, there's a knock at the door which startles me. I glance over to the bed and see Simon stretching with his eyes still closed.

The door begins to open and I stand up from the small chair, watching as Renzo appears. My eyes trail down his tall and broad frame, a dark grey dress shirt hugs his muscular chest, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows again. A pair of black slacks fit his long legs as usual, as well as a pair of shiny black shoes.

His fingers have a few rings on them, as they seem to always do, along with the same watch on his wrist and chain around his neck. A small gold hoop sits in his ear too.

I'd be a fool if I didn't say he was attractive. I mean, he's an arrogant asshole who's keeping me here against my will, threatened my life and my parents lives, and scares the absolute crap out of me. But the ugliness he has on the inside doesn't seem to reflect the outside.

Honestly it's kind of annoying.

My chest feels heavy, as though I'm holding in such a deep breath that I could almost pass out from the lack of air. He closes the door behind him, his expression completely blank and unreadable.

As he approaches, the fresh sent of his cologne attacks my nose. "I take it you've come to a decision?" He says as he strolls further into the room.

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