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"And what about that one?" She asks as she points to another piece of dark ink. This one on the left side of my stomach.

I can't hold in my smile as I watch her fingers trace over the italic font. "Fino alla fine." I tell her.

"What does it mean?" She asks, her attention still focused on the tattoo.

"Until the end."

"Renzo," my brother's voice echoes in the background. "Renzo!"

I snap back into reality and my eyes flick up, landing on Leandro as he stands in front of me, his hands resting on my shoulders.

"Cazzo!" He curses. "Pull yourself together, brother."

I run a hand through my hair, tugging at it stressfully as I push past him and storm towards my office. He calls after me, his footsteps sounding close behind.

"Renzo! Listen to me." He shouts.

I spin around, holding onto the edge of my office door. "This is all my fault, Andro! All my fucking fault."

"We don't know if he has them. Stop jumping to conclusions." He says.

"Jumping to conclusions?" I scoff. "I feel like tearing this entire city apart!"

He has them. I know he has.

"I left it too long." I say as I release a pained breath. "I shouldn't have left it so long. I should've just acted the moment I had him in reach."

"We had a plan, brother. A plan that we were going to execute until the fucking end! We weren't to know this would happen." He exhales.

The plan means nothing now. Not when Lula is involved in this.

I pick up my car keys and storm past Leandro, towards the front door. I ignore his numerous attempts to call after me, trying to focus on getting into my car and getting the fuck out of here.

"Stay with my sister." I tell Domenico as I pass by him outside. "I want her windows locked and her phone monitored until I say otherwise."

"Yes, boss."

While I unlock my car, Leandro runs up beside me and places a hand on my shoulder, briefly stopping me. "Where are you going?"

"To meet Davide, I told him to stay by the car until I got there." I explain but he gives me an uncertain look. "My underboss and my fiancé have fucking disappeared and the car they were travelling in is full of bullet holes, Andro."

"I'm coming with you." He says as he runs around to the passenger side door of my Bugatti.

"Gianni!" I call out. He quickly approaches, clearly appearing stressed. "I want you and Matteo to follow us and look out for anything suspicious. Keep in contact with Domenico, he's watching Sofia."

"Yes, boss." He complies as he runs over to the SUV parked in the driveway and gestures for Matteo to get in with him.

The drive towards the scene feels like a lifetime away, but when I arrive, I can't push away the nausea flooding through my body. I get out and approach Davide who is stood by the car with another of my men.

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