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When I wake up then next morning, the spot next to me is empty.

I can't say I'm surprised though. I didn't exactly expect him to still be here to hug and kiss me as I woke up. Renzo clearly isn't like that.

Even still, he slept in my bed last night. I wasn't sure what time he came in, but I know it was late. I know he left the house again after we came back from the restaurant because I heard people talking and then the front door closing.

I didn't ask him where he went or what he was doing. Frankly, it's none of my business.

I still have no idea what I'm doing or what's happening between us. It isn't normal to have a relationship like this with your kidnapper. It's insane.

When I first came here, I was scared. Petrified of him. But now.. I don't seem to feel as afraid anymore. Not of him, anyway.

I'm unsure of my feelings, or whether I should be very afraid of Renzo, but for now those thoughts seem to be subsiding.

Once I'm out of bed, I change into a black long-sleeved skater dress which cuts off by my thighs. My hair is left down and in it's natural waves, and I apply a light amount of makeup.

I head down to the kitchen, walking in to see Anna and a man who I assume is the new cook. She offers me a smile, glancing to the man who's busy cutting some carrots.

"Lula, good morning." She greets. "This is Hanns."

He looks up and offers a polite smile. He appears a nice man. Dark brown hair, light eyes and a short trimmed beard. At a guess I'd say he was roughly in his early forties or so.

"Hello ma'am." He greets.

"Hi." I say in a friendly tone.

Anna clears her throat, placing the dish towel onto the counter top. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Just some toast please." I say as I sit down at the table.

Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention and I look up to see Leandro entering the room. He stops, his eyes landing on me. I tense in my seat, nervous to find out what his next move will be.

He simply stares at me, his jaw noticeably ticking as he narrows his eyes. To my surprise, he doesn't say anything to me, or even approach me. Instead, he opens the refrigerator and takes a bottle of water before exiting the kitchen.

I release the breath I was holding, my eyes flicking down to my shaky hands on the table. Anna places a small plate of toast down in front of me and asks if there's anything else I need.

Assuring her that I have all I need, she walks back over to Hanns and the two of them prep lunch together. Or dinner. Whatever they're making.

"Anna, do you know if Sofia is here?" I ask.

"She left a while ago to have breakfast with her friend, Amalia." She says and I purse my lips, nodding slowly as I bite into a slice of toast.

I make a mental note to try to find Sofia later on today some time. Perhaps we can talk more about her artwork again. Or maybe books. Or fashion.

I still can't believe Renzo gave me back my camera. I thought it was destroyed. This camera has pictures of my family as well as work related photos. Pictures that I thought were lost forever.

When I got back to my room last night, I sat on my bed and spent about an hour looking through almost every picture I have on there. I laughed, cried, smiled.

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