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After scrolling through the many movies on the large plasma television in my bedroom, I eventually settled on one of my favourite animated movies, The King and I.

I have a guilty pleasure for any sort of animated movie, whether Disney or not. Whether it's just because I'm a big kid at heart, or because I just purely enjoy them.

All Dogs Go To Heaven, Spirit, The Swan Princess.. there's just so many that I love.

My heart has a huge soft spot for animations and I don't feel bad about it whatsoever. I snuggle into the covers future, making myself more comfortable as King Mongkut says something Anna.

I smile to myself, lifting my arm and waving my finger as I mimic him. "Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera!" I say in an accented voice, chuckling as I continue watching the movie.

My door swings open without any warning and Renzo walks in, startling me. Apparently knocking isn't a thing anymore.

He stops when he looks at the television, narrowing his eyes. "What the hell is this shit?"

"This shit, is an amazing movie and you should give it a watch sometime." I tell him as I sit up in the bed, pulling some of the covers with me.

"You watch kid movies?" He scoffs.

I shoot him a glare. "It's not a kids movie. It's an animation."

"A cartoon kids movie."

"An animation." I defend.

"Still looks pretty shit to me." He mocks as he simply strolls over to the bed and leans against one of the posts.

I scowl at him. "You shouldn't judge so quickly." I mumble, mimicking his words from yesterday while he had me pinned against his office door.

"So enlighten me then. What's it about?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest and glancing over his shoulder at the screen before turning back to me.

"So it's about this woman called Anna, who's an English schoolteacher. She travels to the kingdom of Siam to teach children and meets a stubborn king, called Mongkut." I explain. "But there's an evil sorcerer conjuring up a plot to steal the throne."

Renzo arches a brow. "He's stubborn?"

"Yes. Rude, arrogant, unkind, self-centred, patronising, stubborn.."

"And I take it this Anna woman is everything he isn't. The complete opposite? Kind, caring, friendly, warm, gentle." He comments and my brows crease.


He purses his lips. "How ironic."

Simon jumps on the bed and purrs at him, slowly approaching and sitting down. I watch as Renzo looks down at him, reaching out and stroking his head.

"Then what happens?" He asks, brown eyes meeting mine.

"Hmm?" I mumble, appearing to have gone into a world of my own for a moment.

"What happens with the King and Anna in the end?"

My gaze drops from his momentarily before I force my eyes back up again. "They fall in love."

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