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"You keep saying you're going to fuck me but when are you actually going to do it? I'm beginning to think you're just all talk, Renzo." Her soft voice plays over and over in my head as I remember yesterdays events.

Then Nico's words repeat in my mind. "You want to fuck her, right?" And, "Perhaps you should just get it over with. It might make you a little happier."

Fuck. This seriously isn't helping.

Standing up abruptly, I run my hand along my jaw and look out of the window as my sister and Lula come into view. The two of them approach the swimming pool shoeless, wearing thin robes.

They both stop beside some lounge chairs and take off the robes, revealing their swimsuits. My eyes fixate themselves on Lula, running down her body and I find myself groaning at the strain in my pants.

Adjusting the front of my slacks with my hand, I swallow thickly, with my eyes still hooked on the breathtakingly beautiful blonde who's now sitting down on the pool edge while she dips her feet in.

The small red bikini clings to her skin, a faint smirk curling at my lips as I glance down to her hair tie which is still on my wrist. I'm starting to think red is Lula's colour.

Jesus Christ, what is this woman doing to me? I haven't been able to think straight these past couple of weeks and it's driving me crazy. She's just everywhere I look, everywhere my mind wanders, everywhere.

I was just supposed to keep her here until she wasn't needed anymore. That was the plan. That was what I should have done. But for some fucked up reason I just couldn't let her go.

I can't let her go now. I don't want to.

Elio and Leandro warned me that this wouldn't end well and I was just too stubborn to listen to them. The thing is though, they're right. They were right all along.

This isn't going to end well. It's only going to end with Lula getting hurt. She wasn't made for my world. She doesn't belong in it. She should be taking her photographs and sitting on the subway or walking through Central Park. Not stuck here.

I agreed to let her go to her cousins wedding purely because of Elio. He always seems to know the right things to say and it fucking annoys me that I can't be like that.

He has the nerve to call me a soft touch when he literally dotes on Lula like a fucking mother hen. I know he sees the same thing in Lula that I do. Although I'm not entirely sure what that thing is, I do know that I just want to protect her.

There's something so pure and delicate about Lula but at the same time, she's fierce and strong. A lot stronger than I give her credit for anyway.

Elio notices that in her, I know he does. He sees the same thing in my sister too.

I know I shield Sofia too much and probably drive her crazy most of the time, but I don't do things without a good reason. She's my little sister and I've already lost so much already.

I can't lose her too.

So Leandro and I took it upon ourselves after our parents death to make sure she is completely shielded from this life as much as possible. I want to do the same with Lula.

She doesn't need to know what my life entails. The basics, yeah, but the details, fuck no. Just like I keep Sofia in the dark, she will learn to love it too. She has to.

My phone begins to bleep in my pocket and it snaps me from my thoughts as I glance down at the screen and place it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Brother," Leandro speaks. "How is Italy?"

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