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I sit on the edge of my bed, wearing a silk black dress and heels, trying to figure out how I even got into them in the first place.

The past hour since Renzo left has been a complete blur. I still can't believe what happened between us in the shower. That he heard me, saw me.

God, I've never been so embarrassed.

I was bored, alone and sat on my bed with the vibrator in the dresser next to me. What else was I going to do with my time? There's only so manny movies I can watch.

But Renzo.. fuck. His hands were.. they were everywhere. I couldn't even process what was happening. One minute I was alone and the next he was just there.

I let him touch me. I told myself I wouldn't allow him to be like that with me again but there I was, lost in the heat of the moment and all I could think about was letting him do whatever he wanted to me.

He made me come.. in the shower. After he'd just watched me do it myself. I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato. It must have been.

Why did I allow that to happen? I should have stopped him. I should have pushed him away.

There's no going back from this now.

After he'd.. you know what.. he tells me to get myself dry and to put on a nice dress, which leads me to where I currently am now.

I really don't want to go to another event. Not yet anyway, especially with what happened at the last one. I've barely even recovered from it. Surely he wouldn't want to put me through that again?

Who am I kidding, of course he would. For some reason my brain seems to keep blocking out the part where Renzo is a mafia boss and doesn't give a shit about me.

My door opens without so much as a knock and Renzo appears, almost knocking the breath out of me. A black long sleeve dress shirt with black slacks complete his attire, along with a pair of black shoes.

His hair is so dark and styled with gel, his stubble giving him a more mature appearance. His height appears to be more noticeable tonight and I'm not sure why. He isn't a great deal taller than me but he does have a fair few inches in his favour, even with me in heels.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod, picking up my small clutch and camera. "That won't be necessary." He interjects, causing me to look back at him with a confused expression.


He motions with his head towards the camera in my hand. "No camera. This isn't an event."

"Oh. Then what is it?" I query.


Just dinner? Hmm. Okay, I guess.

"No games." He assures, clearly sensing my hesitance. "Come on, let's go."

I take a deep breath and put the camera back down onto the bed in it's casing, before getting up and walking towards Renzo.

No games.

He allows his eyes to freely roam down my body, my dress, my legs, not caring that I'm aware of it. "Troppo buono." He murmurs quietly. "Troppo buono per me."
[translation: too good. Too good for me]

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