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Each day that passes where I don't have Skender in my grasp is putting more and more strain on me.

It's all I can think about. Finding him and getting revenge for what he took from me and my siblings is becoming more than just an act of desperation now.

Although, I'm a firm believer in karma and I know he will eventually get his comeuppance. One things for sure, I'll thoroughly enjoy giving it to him too. He deserves everything that's coming his way.

I toy with the red hair tie on my wrist, my mind naturally wandering do the beautiful blonde that I somehow get to call my girl.

Sometimes I still can't believe she chose me. After everything I put her through and all I did, she still chose me when I gave her the opportunity to leave. To return to the life she had before all of this. The life she could still have.

I take that for granted when I shouldn't. I should be thanking my lucky stars every time I open my eyes in the morning and every time I close them when I go to sleep at night.

She's incredible and so unbelievably strong. I don't give her enough credit. The woman took a bullet for me for Christ sake. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her and I want her to know how much I care about her.

I just don't know how to tell her. Or show her. Not properly anyway.

"Boss," a knock on my door steals my attention and I look up to see Gianni stood in the doorway to my office. "Sebastian has just left."

"Everything went well?" I ask and he nods his head.

I've had Sebastian visiting regularly to check up on Sofia, as much as she hates me for it. I'm more than aware that I'm being overbearing and too protective of her, but I don't care.

Making sure she is fit and healthy is a priority to me so it's something she's just going to have to deal with.

Speaking of Sofia, I need to talk with her about her birthday plans. If she has any at all, that is.

Thanking Gianni for the update I finish up things in my office before leaving to look for my sister. After scaling the house, I eventually find her in the one of the living rooms. She looks up, sensing my presence.

"Come to gloat?" She says dryly.

"Now, now little sis. Watch the tone." I tut as I sit on the couch opposite her.

She sits up, crossing her legs as she looks at me with a blank expression. "Well then, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Your birthday is next month. I wanted to know if you had any plans?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders, looking away from me. "I don't know. I'm not really feeling it this year."

"Bugiardo." I mutter.

"I'm not lying." She defends.

"If you want a party then you can have a party. Just let me know." I tell her. "You can have it here if you prefer?"

She looks as though she's studying me, trying to work out whether I'm being as serious as I seem. "What has Lula done to you?"

I pause, cocking my head slightly. "What?"

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