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Surprisingly, the event actually went well, with no incidents or interruptions. I was able to get a good enough visual on the Russian woman that I was supposed to be taking pictures of throughout the night.

I captured everything. Every move she made throughout the entire evening. Each exchange she made, whether verbally or physically.

I even had to sneak off to the restroom to spy on her while she was in there. How ironic. A once assumed spy actually spying on a real spy.

Throughout the entire evening however, I couldn't quite let go of the conversation I had with Matteo after Renzo had left. It was obvious that Elio and Renzo were having some sort of disagreement, I just don't know what about.

It wasn't exactly like Matteo was giving me answers anyway.

Earlier today I overheard a snippet of a conversation between Renzo and some of his men in his office. The name Niccolò Milanesi was mentioned and it sparked my curiosity.

Whoever he is, Renzo spoke very highly of him and it appeared that he is a very important person. By important, I mean dangerous. Probably some form of gangster like Renzo.

How delightful.

I didn't catch much of the conversation because I was worried in case I'd be caught listening. Once I heard them discussing a potential meeting with Niccolò, I carried on walking through the house and acted as if I hadn't heard a thing.

Whoever that man is, I'm not sure whether I want to meet him. If he's anything like Renzo or his brother, then I'd definitely prefer to stay as strangers.

Speaking of Leandro, he hasn't spoke to me at all. I don't understand him. It's like every time he sees me he looks like he wants to kill me, but he never does. Is it really because of Renzo? Or is he just biding his time?

Either way, the silent treatment that I'm getting from him is beginning to put me on edge even more than it has been when he's vocal about his dislike for me.

Someone clearing their throat from behind me steals me from my thoughts and I glance up from the table, noticing Anna stood still while she looks directly towards the threshold of the kitchen.

Following her gaze, I turn in my seat, only for my eyes to land on Renzo. What does he want now? He leans against the wall, arms crossed over his muscular chest.

"Come," he beckons as he motions his head for me to get up.

I narrow my eyes at his request, wondering when I became a god damn dog. There are much nicer ways to ask someone to go somewhere with you rather than just a blunt command.

Deciding I had better just follow him, I get up and walk behind him as he heads through the house. He doesn't wait for me, nor attempt to make any conversation.

Fine by me.

"So, get what you wanted? Or have you brought me here to tell me you're going to kill me?" I ask as he closes his office door behind me.

He strolls over to his desk but doesn't actually sit behind it, instead leans against it, crossing one foot over the other as he watches me with folded arms.

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