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It's been a few days since we went to the hospital. Doctor Farrington has kept in touch and has been very helpful, giving Lula as much advice as possible to reassure her.

Life lately feels like one bump in the road after the other. With Skender, then Sofia with her diabetes, now with Lula and her diagnosis. It's like we can't catch a break.

As it stands, Lula doesn't need surgery but she has been prescribed some medication to help with any stomach pain. It's strange because before the hospital incident, I'd never thought about having children.

Actually, no that's a lie. I have often wondered when I'd eventually have an heir to take over from me one day, but never really had a plan for when they'd come along.

I never knew if Lula wanted children. It's something we've never spoke about before. To be honest, the opportunity has never really been granted to us, considering all the things we've been through so far.

The day after, once we tried to process all the information we had received, we finally had that talk. We sat down and discussed every avenue we could take and if we'd even consider doing it. Lula explained that she would eventually like to have children but right now, she wants to enjoy life with just me.

I told her that I wasn't opposed to the idea of children and would also eventually like one, but right now I'm happy just building a life with her. Everything between us is still so fresh, and it's only been a few months since we met.

At least we can plan ahead now. We have that advantage where we know where we stand and whatever the future has in store for us, we can tackle together.

Speaking of Lula, she's out with Sofia today. The two of them have gone for lunch together and then they're going to see a show on broadway. I surprised them with tickets this morning, thinking it'll be good for both of them to get out and do something together.

Thanks to Lula, I felt a little guilty for not allowing Sofia to go to the museum exhibition the other day, so I thought I'd try to make it up to her by doing this. Plus I know Lula likes the theatre, especially since her and her mom spent about an hour speaking to me about it at her cousins wedding.

Still, I think she likes Disney movies more. I woke up early this morning to find her laying beside me while she watched Pinocchio. That was my cue to roll over and go back to sleep for another hour or so.

A knock on my office door steals my attention and I call for whoever it is to come in. The door opens and Cora appears. "All your laundry is done, boss." She informs me.

"Thank you, Cora." I nod appreciatively. "Have you heard anything from Leandro?"

She shakes her head. "No boss, should I have?"

I roll my lips together. "No. It's fine. Thank you."

She offers a polite smile before closing the door and leaving me again. Leandro left early this morning to head to Baltimore to meet with a supplier but hasn't been in contact since.

It's only another warehouse that washes money, but he should've at least text to say that he arrived. Picking up my phone, I decide to call him. He answers after a few rings.

"Brother," he speaks.

"Are you there yet?" I ask.

"Just approaching now. What's the chicks name again?"

"Chau." I remind him. "And she's not a chick. She's in her sixties. Just be polite and don't shoot any civilians, or anyone for that matter."

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