Chapter 8: Cold Isn't Enough to Describe It

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Kameko POV

That idiot!

We're all jumping around madly as the giant beast chases after us. It's extremely hard to fight in such a chaotic terrain where you could easily fall into the infinite space below. Spread out, we take on the golemn as best as we can.

Really! She had to go in and say something!

I can't help but get angry. Sure she meant it as a joke which is great and all, except the fact that now is definitely not the time!

If she'd actually paid attention, as soon as the word recognition ordeal came out of Phronesis's mouth we wouldn't be allowed to speak. It would've activated once Phronesis told us or we'd have summoned the golem the second we stepped foot. Her own recklessness lead to this happening.

I'm hopping from building to building in time with Liberté, who moves with me. She looks awfully tired as she does so but says nothing, she's not the complaining type.

The golem is surprisingly fast, leaping non-stop despite it's heavy body. He...or it, I should say if I want to specify, misses a kick from Chevalier and swats at her like a fly.

The comparison gives me a sudden idea."Can't we push the golem over the edge?"

Pointing ahead, Liberté utters the word,

And I turn around to see why.

The golem misses it's footing on the small section of land it was standing on and plummets to the open space below. I pray that Liberté is wrong and the thing falls to it's death. "He can fly."

She's right and I hate her for that.

The golem resurfaces, it's legs are emitting some sort of steam similar to rocket boots. With all that metal, It wouldn't be unlikely that it'd be programmed with some similar equipment.

Phronesis is jumping around like a hot potato, either trying once again to convince the golem to stop fighting or prevent us from hurting it. Yeah right.

It swings again, this time firing what looks like rockets in our direction. I'm moving awkwardly, dodging up to three at a time. I feel like using flames would make the rockets blow up in my face.

I can't help myself, my anger is immeasurable and our mission is totally out of control."This wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't opened their mouth."

Chevalier lands a few feet to my left, unsuccessful at landing a punch at one of the incoming rockets. It explodes a few inches away from her face.


Another rocket flies toward us. Chevalier turns to me with a nod. "Yes yes...of course----"

She kicked the rocket and sent it flying back at the golem."Says the person who asked about it!"

I can feel my face burning red as I jump over the next rocket. "I was interested!"

"Yes! So very interested! You already know how I am!" Chevalier holds her hands out and catches the rocket between her hands. "Why say it out loud huh?"

"Because you all need to know! Why would I hide something from you?" Now I'm conjuring walls of flames that make the rockets fly off. "Your fault for misunderstanding!"

"What did I misunderstand?" Smoke falls on her face as she throws the rocket back. "That you're way too curious and are all bark and no bite?"

Now I'm boiling, punching away the increasing number of rockets. "Being curious is important as long as you aren't noisy when you do it! By the way I am not all bark and no bite!"

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