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after alya ended her stream, you chatted for a while.

"hey, why did you leave the other day?" asked alya.

"oh, umm..." what were you supposed to say? an appointment? you felt like you could trust alya, however, so you decided to tell her.

"well, my boyfriend was being a jerk so i had to go and deal with him." you laughed uncomfortably. she looked concerned.

"you wanna talk about it?"

you did. you really did. you did so bad that it hurt. 

"sure, i guess," 

you told her everything. she listened carefully and once i was done, spoke with kindness and sympathy. 

"do you want to come over? to tubbo's house? if you feel unsafe at your place?"

"that sounds lovely, thank you." 

you packed your bags and after explaining to your roommates, left for tubbo's house. you were excited to see them again but hated for it to be under these circumstances. when you arrived, you were greeted by a friendly tubbo and a massive hug from alya. 

you sat in the kitchen as alya made you a snack. you felt better already. sick, but better. alya gave you a hot chocolate and some oreos. you thanked her as she forgot to make herself some food. 

"are you not gonna eat?" you asked.

"no thanks, i ate earlier!" she smiled and left. tubbo turned to you with a sad expression.

"she didn't. its been two days. she hasn't budged" he sighed. 

your sickness grew as you realized what this meant. you left to the bathroom, wanting to throw up. you did. twice. you felt horrible. your life felt like an apple crumble, falling apart as you desperately tried to reach the center, hoping it would get better.

you came out of the bathroom to hear muffled shouting and crying. you pressed your ear against alya and ranboo's door, trying to listen.


"IF YOU TRIED, MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS!" ranboo exclaimed. the house was silent. you could hear his regret. you opened the door to intervene. you saw ranboo hugging a sobbing alya.

"im sorry, honey. im so so so so sorry. i didn't mean a word of that. i know it's hard, sweetie. i know you're trying. don't listen to me, okay? im so so so dumb, okay?" ranboo begged.

"im okay." alya told him. he knew that deep down he didn't believe that, but he did anyways. because love like theirs isn't always about whats real.

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