Chapter 1:Meeting Tubbo.

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Monday, 3rd Janurary 9:30AM

(Y/N)s POV.

"Alright guys, why am I here again?".

I asked my friends, Drista and Niki. Today they've decided to bring me into their workspace, which is a SCP asylum. Anyways, Drista called me in and asked if I can help out at their workspace and cancel my plans for a month. I was getting prepared for my job but my friends come first. I instantly cancelled my appointments for a month and rushed to the SCP asylum.

"Oh hey (Y/N), I'm so glad your here, we just need your help for some people".

I saw Niki wearing some sort of doctors clothing mixed with a scientists lab coat with her ID on her neck. Same as Drista except her ID is in her breastpocket, however I'm wearing my casual clothing today.

"Okay?, that's not specific".

I followed the two inside the asylum. It wasn't that bad, it looks like your everyday hospital. The front area has a receptionists desk, rows of chairs on walls and only two rows of chairs that aren't on the wall. There's only one hallway with two thick metal doors to the left of where the desk is.

Me, Drista and Nikachu went through the hallway.

(With Nikachu swiping card, which opened the doors and let them in, closing the doors behind once they've entered.)

I've noticed something out of the ordinary from an actual hospital. On both sides of the walls in the hallways seem to be strong metal doors five meters away from eachother. There's some sort of card swipe for the cards simular to the front metal doors and a clipboard underneath that are in-between the glass and door. Only three meters from the doors are thick, bullet proof glass that gives the whole view of the room. I looked through some of the windows and found nobody there, only white colored walls. A light at the middle of the ceiling, a matris, a blanket and a pillow on the ground of the rooms.

"Uhm girls, what's suppose to be in there?".

"Hm?, oh its for the SCPs we are looking after but right now they are currently outside".

"Uhm why if you dont mind me asking?".

I keep following Drista and Niki through the hallways.

"It's because that they need to see the sun once every few days so they can see the skies and their sanity doesn't thin and break".

I nodded as we then stopped at a door with a clipboard with the name 'SCP-TUBBO18'. Then Nikachu looked at me with a serious look, Drista looked at me with a concern look.

"(Y/N), the actual reason why we asked you to come here and cancel your appointments for a month is because we need your help with the SCPs that are here".

"Wait I'm confused, what do you mean you and they need my help?".

I asked curiously, making Drista and Niki look at eachother with only stares, then nod and look at me.

"Well all of the SCPs started to get violent with eachother and then their behavior got more worse and went onto the doctors and the scientists. Now we know you are a bit of a celebrity in our town and we hope you can help not only us but also them so can you please help us?".

That took me by surprise. They need my help?. I can see they are giving me pleading looks and had their hands praying for me to help them. I sighed and nodded slowly.

"Okay, your my friends and I'll help you, just promise me that if I die that you both will pay for my funeral alright?".

Without warning, Niki and Drista hugged me, I can tell by the noises they are making are cheerful. They know that I'm risking my life for this and are thanking me so much for it.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now