Chapter 8:Captain Puffys Concerns.

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Tuesday 4th January 5:30PM.

Narrators POV.

Once (Y/N) and Drista left the SCP asylum, Puffy had been called by the security and the scientists team for a huge emergency. She had a feeling why, just hope they don't bring it up.

"Captain Puffy, we have to discuss about the SCPs".

Puffy is sitting in a meeting room with scientists that are studying the SCPs and along with the study team is the security team. There is about twenty to fourty scientists in the room with almost the whole security team there. Puffy only put her hands on her forehead and groaned, she hoped they wouldn't talk about the SCPs right now.

"Okay then, explain".

"The SCPs are acting violent- but that was before they were acting violent but now, they are showing so much more aggression towards us".

Another scientist spoke as Puffy only shook her head sideways, she now hopes they don't talk about (Y/N). But it's seems that her luck isn't with her today because the scientists started to talk about (Y/N).

"Maybe we should bring in the theorapist- uh what's her name again?, the duo toned (H/C) and (F/C) colored haired girl that is famous in town right now".

Puffy shook her head sideways, she doesnt want to drag (Y/N) into a mess that isn't hers to deal with.

"(Y/N) doesn't work here, shes only been assigned here for a month and that's it!".

Niki called out, she is apart of the study team and for lots of reasons, she is surely hellbent of letting (Y/N) stay here more longer than she promised. The scientists however had different plans than Niki and Puffy would like.

"Okay that's great Niki but we need her here twenty-four seven for a whole year or two so the SCPs won't have aggression anymore, which will make studying easier".

Now that made both Puffy and Niki pissed at the one who suggested that idea, suddenly an alarm was blazing loudly. Making everyone in the meeting room panic because that never happened before.

"Warning to everyone in the building, SCP-Wilbur25 has broke out of containment, this is not a drill- he's broken out SCP-Tubbo18 out, proceeding operation lock down".

Just like that, the whole entire place went into lock down. This ended up shutting the whole asylum down and cover every single door that is very easy to break down with thick four inches of metal. Already the scientists started to panic about the lockdown because they know Wilbur can blow up the asylum if he possesses anything explosive. Tubbo on the other hand is a different story to the scientists, Puffy only sighed. She knew she has to deal with not only the scientists later but also the SCPs right now as always.

"Alright guys I'll be back".

Puffy said as she revealed her ram horns in her curly long hair and teleported away to her office. Of course everyone in the asylum knew she is also an SCP but she wasn't anything interesting and she runs the place so she wasn't like the other SCPs.

Puffy is now in her office, grabbing her armour and sword that is on a stand and heard the caller on the speaker.

"SCP-Wilbur25 and SCP-Tubbo18 had broken out SCP-Technoblade22, everyone evacuate quickly".

That scared Puffy, she knows she won't be able to beat Technoblade but she can easily persuade him. Same as Tubbo and Wilbur if she had anything of interest to them. She only sighed as she put her helmet on and teleported outside her office and carefully sneaked down the hallways to the SCP cells.

"Why are we doing this again?".

"Because I can hear someone say something about (Y/N)".

Puffy heard a conversation between Wilbur and Tubbo, she peaked around the corner and saw Technoblade. Tubbo and Wilbur are having a conversation while Techno is busting Ranboo out from his cell.


"Yes, I can hear them through the walls".

Puffy stubbed her foot on purpose, she should have known that Wilbur can faze through walls since he's half ghost. He can hear everything in the asylum if it's not sound proof, unfortunately the meeting room is barely sound proof. She instantly came out in view of the SCPs once Ranboo got out of the cell. Puffy knows for sure Ranboo can't teleport outside the asylum if he doesn't know what it looks like on the outside.

"Oh Captain Puffy, how wonderful that you've decided to come join us".

Wilbur pointed to the end of the corridor where Puffy appeared, she had her sword out and had caught the fours attention.

"Guys, go back to your cells immediately".

"Not until we see honey, what are you planning to do with her?!".

Tubbo cried out as already that caught a few of the SCPs that are in their cells attention to look out their windows. Puffy only shook her head sideways and came a bit closer to the four, which made Techno release a bit of blood lust every time she came close.

"Look, whatever it is you've heard, I'm not going to force (Y/N) to come here longer than a month-".

"Your not worthy to say her name!".

Ranboo growled, which surprised Puffy but instantly she got out of the surprised state.

"Yes I am, I'm her friend and what else am I supposed to call her then if I can't call her by her name?".

Puffy pointed out but then felt the blood lust flow into her, it's making her shake but she kept her posture up as Tubbo started to spawn about eighty bees.

"Dont get snarky Puffy, you were one of us but it seems they've changed you too much".

Wilbur snarled as Puffy ended up stop walking for a moment and sighed.

"I'm sorry guys but me, Niki, Phil and Drista changed for reasons that you will never understand. Phil wanted to be with his wife Kristin, Niki and Drista wanted something more in their life and I wanted to help others. I've tried to help you guys but you wouldn't accept my help, I'm asking you this one time, please return to your cells or I'll force you to go into the dark containment-".

Puffy was about to finish her statement until Tubbos bees started to sting Puffy, which it didn't hurt Puffy but the numbers of bees are too much for her to handle. Puffy started to slice the bees attacking her and started to get pissed off because of their lack of cooperation.

"Fine then, I'll put you in timeout then".

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