Chapter 57:DreamXDs Warning And Aiding Dream.

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Monday 25th January 4:50PM.

Puffys POV.

"By god the rumors are true!, you do exist".

Toast called out as I stated at the god of the entire world in shock. He was floating above and wearing a sort of green hood with gold markings. To be honest, he looks like Dream but he couldn't be Dream because Dream wears a smiley face and doesn't have golden wings.

"Be wary of the thing that has a host of the Antichrist that killed the people here. Death is unavoidable as the month dies out".

We all looked at the god as he echoed and started to look at the bloodied murals.

"Death is coming, it is coming".

DreamXD spoke as he erased the murals and suddenly, the cave started to shake and crumble like an earthquake.

"We need to get going, come on Puffy or else we will be stuck here!".

"Wait, we can't leave yet, we need to study the murals quickly".

I shouted as I tried to pull out my phone but Valkrae and Toast grabbed both of my arms and ran up the stairs with Sykunno in the lead.

By the time we made it out of the caves, it all collapsed under rubble and rock.

"Guys, do you realized what we have just discovered?".

Toast spoke as I nodded, Valkrae and Sykunno sighed.

"Toast, we nearly got killed by being crushed under rubble and you think its a great discovery?".

"No Valkrae that's not what I meant, what I mean is that DreamXD gave us a hint, the killer will come soon and we might be able to catch it".

Toast suggested as Valkrae nodded as we all started to climb out of the ruins of L'manburg by using the ropes that was left behind.

-~The next day.~-

(Y/N)s POV.

I sat up in my bed again and rubbed my head from an upcoming headache.

"Why do I have a headache?, meh headache pills will take care of it".

I spoke as I got out of bed but my body just went limp and collapsed to the ground.

"Great, my body decided to be a dick and stay on the ground".

I muffled in the ground as I heard footsteps come through my bedroom door.

"(Y/N) breakfast is ready- (Y/N) are you okay?!".

I heard Kristin's voice as her footsteps rushed towards me and her body weight fell on the ground next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine Auntyza, my body is slowly waking up I'm guessing".

"Well it's no good that your face flat on the floor, come on, I'll help you".

Just like that, Kristin lifted me up from the floor, surprising me about her strength of lifting me up like a feather.

She carried me straight to the kitchen as I can smell the scent of waffles cooking and its pretty good.

"Good morning Uncleza, had a good sleep?".

I asked as Kristin placed me on the stool next to Micheal.

"Yep, what about you?".

"Never better I suppose".

I spoke sarcastically as Phil turned around and looked at me weirdly.

"She meant to say that she fell limp on the ground when I came to tell her breakfast is ready".

Kristin spoke for me as Phil burst out into laughter.

After breakfast, same as usual with Kristin once again volunteering to look after Micheal. Meanwhile me, Drista, Niki and Phil went to the asylum together.

Once we made it to the asylum together, we all walked towards Dreams cell as it seems that the whole group is tense.

"Okay (Y/N), I will take you in my brother's cell once again, *sigh* this'll be a great meeting".

Drista sarcastically spoke as she opened the cell door and went in first with me following behind.

"SCP-Dream22, you have (Y/N) for thirty minutes, you know the drill".

I see Dream laying on his mattress and it seems to be that he's deep in his sleep.

"Ehm Dream are you awake?".

Drista asked in confusion as Dream didn't respond, I shook my head sideways and decided to approach him for myself. Drista wasn't happy when I walked towards Dream.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?!".

"I'm going to check if he's alright".

"No get back here!".

I ignored her request as I made it to Dreams sleeping form. I sat infront of the side of his face as I reached out to pull his mask off but unfortunately I was stopped by Drista grabbing my hand.

"Are you insane (Y/N)?!, your not suppose to reach for his mask let alone touch it".

Drista scolded as it seemed to wake Dream up, he groaned as he sat up from his bed.

"What is it now?".

That was Dreams words of the day, damn he must've had a rough night last night.

"Hello Dream, I guess you had a rough night?".

I whispered quietly so it wouldn't irritate Dreams current mood, which actually worked.

"Yeah, for some reason I felt an earthquake in the earth and I couldn't get any sleep at all".

Dream complained as I looked at Drista and saw her expression saying that she wanted to punch Dream in the face and stab him with something like a fork?.

"Okay, I will start on the questions now and then you can go back to sleep if you'd like".

I offered as Dream layed back on his mattress and only nodded.

Same as usual, I asked him questions, he responded but with some yawns in his words.

"Okay Dream, we will go on ahead, have a good sleep".

I spoke as Dream only nodded but became surprised when I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Right let's go (Y/N)".

Drista spoke as she hoisted me up from the ground and drag me out of the room. She seemed to be annoyed by what I've given to her brother.

"(Y/N), I know your nice and everything but you shouldn't give any attention to my brother. Now he's going to boast it to the other SCPs and who knows what crazy disaster will come".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now