Chapter 30:A Disastrous Lunch Time.

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Thursday 13th January 11:50AM

(Y/N)s POV.

I walked with Drista and Niki towards the cafeteria.

"Hey girls, how are ya doing?".

We all turned around to see Puffy, Micheal is currently taking a short nap on my shoulder as I'm holding him close so he won't fall.

"Oh hello Puffy, we are doing fine thanks for asking".

Niki answered as Drista nodded in agreement, I hummed in agreement.

"Where's Phil?".

Puffy asked as I answered.

"Well he said that he's having a chat with Tubbo but he did say he's going to be back soon".

Puffy hummed as she then noticed my wings.

"Whoa (Y/N), you have really nice wings".

"Oh thank you Puffy, I've received them this morning since certain people didn't tell me".

I added in as Puffy chuckled until it seems that the walkie talkie she's carrying started making noise. She put it up to her ear and it seems that it's a serious problem because her eyes widened.

"Sorry girls, I got to go because something happened again, I'll see you soon".

Puffy sprinted away down the hallways, which confused all three of us but it concerned me. Drista had noticed my concerns.

"Oh well, being boss here isn't an easy job"

I only nodded at Drista's words, I guess she's right, even though I've never been a boss myself.

All four of us made it, I noticed Micheal is starting to stir awake from the smell of food.

"Guess what Micheal, we are here at the cafeteria".

Instantly Micheal is fully awake as I giggled, same as Niki and Drista.

"Alright champ, let's get you something to eat".

Drista instantly took Micheal out of my arms and walked straight to the counters where the foods are served. I chuckled as Niki shook her head sideways. Me and Niki followed Drista, got our foods as Drista is getting almost all of my favourite food off the counter.

"Drista!, save some for me please!"

I grabbed the last (F/F) there is before Drista was reaching for it. Micheal giggled as he has his hands full of (F/F) while Drista chuckled.

"Sorry (Y/N), I like this kid and you can't change my mind about it".

I only nodded in agreement, like I said, Drista has a explosive personality, she has the attitude of a lit TNT but it goes out instantly. Depends on who she is dealing with of course.

"SCP-Ranboo18 has requested for (Y/N) to come to the containment".

I sighed, we are back to this again and it's to where I'm not going to eat much for lunch. Drista and Niki understood as Micheal started to munch on the (F/F). All three of us instantly walked straight towards the metal doors as Niki used the card on her neck to open the doors.

"Okay then, let's go in girls".

Narrators POV.

(Y/N), Drista and Niki are now in the SCP containment as Micheal looked around at the SCPs curiously. Of course Ranboo saw them and waved excitedly at them.

"Right over here Cookie".

(Y/N) noticed Ranboo first as she walked straight towards Ranboos table with Drista and Niki following from behind. With Ranboo today is Techno, Tommy and Wilbur but what caught (Y/N)s attention is Tubbo's absence.

"Hey guys, where's Tubbo?".

"Oh we don't know, he usually arrives with us when we go to lunch together".

(Y/N) could only nod as Drista handed Micheal over to Ranboo since Micheal started reaching out to Ranboo. Of course Ranboo grabbed Micheal and hugged him tightly as Micheal barely wrapped his arms around Ranboo. It didn't take long for the four SCPs to notice (Y/N)s wings and adore it silently as tempting as they want to touch it.

"So my lady, what have you been doing today?".

Techno asked, which he has been given glares from everyone who heard Techno call (Y/N) by his chosen nickname for her.

"Oh I've been learning a lot today, last night Phil had been telling me about my mom. He even told me that you, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo are my cousins on my mother's side. I even got wings this morning too".

Now that made Techno and Wilbur grimace, Tommy cringed slightly and Ranboo listened but with a hidden smirk. They didn't know that (Y/N) was Phil's neice and that isnt going to let that stop them. After all they are adopted, they aren't Phil's real children.

"Uhm that's cool Cutie Pie, your wings are amazing I'll be honest".

No sooner or later, Puffy came into the containment with a distressed look since she's looking for the girls. Drista spotted her and waved Puffy over for her attention.

"Heya Puffy, what's wrong?".

Puffy rushed towards the table but then the whole table glared at Puffy, except for (Y/N), Micheal, Drista and Niki.

"Girls, you need to come to the medical ward right now, Phil has been injured by Tubbo".

(Y/N)s eyes grew wide as Drista and Niki grew worried for Phil. (Y/N) took Micheal out of Ranboos embrace as she stood up with Drista and Niki.

"Okay we need to go quickly,  goodbye guys".

Puffy lead the way with Niki and Drista as (Y/N) left with Drista, Micheal, Niki and Puffy out of the containment. Leaving annoyed SCPs who are desperate to spend some time with her but she keeps getting pulled out at the last second.

The group had made it to the medical ward and found Philza laying in a bed. His whole right arm is bandaged up because it's full of stings and small wounds. His wings have been ruffled up to the part where there's an uneven amount of feathers. Half of his face had been bandaged up because of the stings he received and his clothes are nearly ripped apart.

"Oh my goodness, Uncleza what happened to you?".

(Y/N) asked as she rushed towards Phil, who is laying in bed.

"(Y/N), I'm glad your safe".

His free hand tried to reach up but it fell down instantly. (Y/N) sighed as she held his hand gently, Niki and Drista joined in as Puffy walked to his side. Micheal watched as he didn't understand what's happening at the moment.

"Phil, what happened to you?".

Niki asked, Phil didn't answer so Puffy explained what happened to Phil.

"He was left alone and attacked by Tubbo badly, if he hadn't banged on the glass then he would've been in serious condition".

Phil nodded in agreement as he sat up slowly.

"How about we call this a day since Phil is injured, he seems to be in perfect condition to walk home".

Puffy spoke, which (Y/N) nodded and smiled at her.

"Thank you Puffy, you are the best boss ever".

Puffy smiled at (Y/N)s compliment as she helped up Phil to stand. which Phil slightly does but he needed something to lean on.

"Oh I've got this".

Drista summoned a strong walking stick for Phil, which Phil thanked and used the stick for support.

"Okay then, goodbye girls, I hope I'll see you tomorrow".

Puffy added as Micheal waved goodbye at Puffy. Which she waved back at Micheal while (Y/N), Niki, Drista and Phil said goodbye and walked out of the medical ward.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now