Chapter 58:Helping TommyInnit.

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Tuesday 26th January 12:30AM.

Narrators POV.

After helping Dream, (Y/N) and her friends plus uncle had started walking towards the cafeteria but were stopped by none other than Puffy. She wore her usual tired expression, syndicating that she had a rough night which resulted in no sleep.

"Puffy, when do you sleep?, you need to atleast have a night's worth of rest".

Drista pointed out as Puffy groaned and rubbed the tiredness away from her eyes.

"Very funny Drista, I'm going to tag along with you guys because I have to tell you something".

Puffy spoke as it intrigued the groups interests as they made it to the cafeteria.

Once they've got their foods and found a empty table. Puffy told them what her and the detectives found out last night from beginning, to meeting DreamXD and how it all collapsed. Truth be told, everyone in the group is completely shocked but not as shocked as Phil when Puffy mentioned the room full of murals.

"Really Puffy?, that's ehm interesting".

Phil spoke as the nervousness didn't leave his voice, Puffy and Drista stared at Phil, wondering what he knows.

"Phil, you don't happen to be hiding something from us right?, you would've told us by now. Right?".

Puffy spoke as Phil had all the attention and the spotlight on him from everyone in the group. Phil sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys about the murals or the hidden architecture in the cave system".

"Aha!, so you were hiding something after all!"

Drista shouted, gaining the attention from everyone in the cafeteria. Drista just glared at everyone looking at the group.

"Go back to eating your lunches you dumb fucks!".

Drista shouted as everyone avoided the attention on the group and went back to eating their lunches.

"Anyways what else were you going to say before I interuppted Phil?".

Drista asked as Phil sighed but decided to tell them what he knows.

"The place you and the detectives found last night Puffy, that was the final resting place of the deities. I wasn't apart of it but I was chosen to be the next symbol of death with Kristin. Just like your mother (Y/N), she was chosen just like me by DreamXD".

Phil told as it brought the group by surprise, same as (Y/N) since she never knew her mother was apart of it.

"Wait hold on a moment, how did this all start?, more importantly who started it?".

Drista asked curiously as Niki hummed in agreement, Phil shook his head sideways and smiled a dull smile.

"DreamXD of course, he is old as time itself and evaded death like it's nothing. However he gave some of his abilities to only a few people he saw equal to him".

Phil explained more in depth on how people are chosen by DreamXD, being it's a extremely rare chance he will chose and appear. Especially in the Era they are in since the human race are in a state of industrialization. Of course this interested Puffy so much that she started recording the explanation on her phone.

"Wait so they can't die?, the deities of course".

Niki asked as Phil shook but nod his head in confusion. Drista, Puffy and (Y/N) are eating and listening to Phil contently.

"I'm not sure, I naturally assumed they could live forever, it came as a shock when my sister died. Don't understand why, she never got sick or heck even if she got critically injured. Her body would've healed instantly because she's the symbol of life".

Phil started muttering to himself as (Y/N) looked at Phil with worry and maybe a little bit of guilt. It didn't last long since lunch was over and the group started walking towards Tommy's cell.

Once they've made it to Tommy's cell, they saw Tommy is curled up in a ball on the floor. Drista opened the door as she went in first with (Y/N) following behind.

"SCP-Tommy17, you have (Y/N) for thirty minutes, you know the drill".

Niki spoke through the speakers as Tommy shot out of his curled up ball and grinned happily.

"Hello Beautiful how are you?".

Tommy asked as (Y/N) smiled but Drista shook her head sideways.

"Immature as always Tommy".

"I'm not Immature Drista, I'm close to becoming a man in four months".

Tommy spoke as Drista shook her head sideways but had a hidden amusing smile on her face.

As always, (Y/N) asked Tommy questions, which he answers but same as last time he makes humorous comments after his answering. It is proven effectively by (Y/N) laughing a little too much and Drista had a bit of a giggle from some of Tommy's comments.

"Alright then, come on (Y/N), let's get going since it's home time".

Drista said as she helped (Y/N) up and started walking out of the cell with (Y/N), who is waving Tommy goodbye.

"Bye Tommy, I will see you at the festival of life".

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