5. ( sudden inspiration ++ immortal deku au )

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( boo ) ( ++ !!! TW !!! attempted su!c!d3 , y311!ng, possible toxicity, b100d, graphic imagery/descriptions. ) ( national suicide prevention hotline;;; 800-273-8255 ) ( please take care of yourselves y'all!! )

author stumbled back into the movie theater type room that once held the entirety of class 1a, and their sleepy teacher. she ran her fingers across the red velvet seats, and on the arc of the black plastic surrounding it to form a seat. she missed writing, she truly did, but she had no inspiration. the last lightbulb above her head had burnt out a while ago, unfortunately. she sighed, and crashed into the seat with a big exhale of disappointment. it wasn't cool of her, she'll admit. she had tons of readers that supported her, and given her amazing requests, but yet her fingers seemed frozen on the page in order to fulfill those requests. she pulled out her phone, and clicked on the classic app of youtube. she watched some bnha videos, maybe she would get inspiration here. she frowned, she barely followed the lore anymore. she saw deku when he left ua, but still had no idea who was really the traitor. she scrolled down in the comments, the dark mode version of youtube staring back at her. suddenly, a comment stuck out to her. her eyes widened, and she had an idea.

maybe it's time to fill up these seats for one more adventure after all....

aizawa was barely awake at his computer, drinking out of his cat mug someone gifted to him a while back. the coffee had long since gone cold, and he was holding onto the waking world by a thread. his eyelids were heavy, and his under eyes looked no better. he leaned back on his rolling chair, groaning in boredom. he had a pounding headache, and a constant worry for his students. although he had immense trust in their potential, of course he didn't voice that, he also had serious worry for their blossoming talent and the dangers that came with it. he sighed and covered his eyes with his forearm.

"hello!" an excited voice said.

confused, aizawa lifted his arm up a small amount to look at his computer. a brunette, familiar face was shown in the computer. his eyes widened and he stumbled to a stance. he looked at his coffee, then rubbed his eyes. no, he wasn't hallucinating yet. he squinted, the face looked familiar, but still didn't click.

"oh come on!" she said, "i can't believe you don't recognize me!"

"uh, sorry?" he replied to the face.

the figure shrugged, seeming carefree.

"we'll save reintroductions for when we get to the theater. but for now, you are," she paused to reach out from the screen and grabbed aizawa, "coming with me!"

his body flew into the screen, flying into the blankness of white that surrounded them. she dragged him quickly to a wooden, classic door. she flung it open, and tossed aizawa through, before diving in the doorway her self.

aizawa was very much awake now, and assessed his surroundings. it seemed they were in.. a theater? he looked around and saw very familiar faces.

"aw man! they got sensei too!" a yellow haired boy whined.

"come on kami, it's not all bad, they are probably outnumbered by us anyway! we will be manly and figure a way out of here!" kirishima reassured his close bro.

"that won't be necessary! since i'll return all of you to your regular places after you react." author said, before blowing off dust from a recently unused CD player. she wiped the CD in her hand on her jeans to clean it, then put it in the small player. she smiled to herself, glad to finally be back here.

"so as i was saying, i'm author! although i've already had you here before! maybe i erased y'all's memory some where along the line.. hm i'll have to look back on the books later... oh well" the author introduced herself, before mumbling the rest of her speech to the class.

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