1. ( who are you?? )

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"The festival was super fun!" Mina exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. It had been at least 2 hours after the end of the festival and class 1-A we're finally resting their feet in the dormitory common area. Heck, even Bakugo was there.

"Especially the beauty pageant..." Mineta drooled over the memory of the beauty pageant from earlier. Before he could say anymore of his lewd thoughts, a large portal opened up.

"What the hell!?" Jiro yelled, before getting sucked in. Soon enough, all of the students were sucked in.

"I heard screaming!" Dadzawa, *cough cough* I mean, Aizawa shouted. He was, like his students, sucked in.


An orchestra of groans echoed throughout the small theater. There were several cushioned seats that the students landed in. Infront of them was a wooden stage with a large screen behind it. The groans soon turned into panicked shouts and mumbling from a certain broccoli. They were all interrupted when a person walked from the right of the stage to the front.

"Hey!" She yelled, smiling the biggest smile. "I'm Author!"

The students responded by getting in a fighting stance. Author, still smiling, waved cheerfully.

"Wow! I can't believe I can actually meet you guys! And reader can meet you guys as well!" Author smiled again. Finally, the students relaxed a bit- believing that she was just a crazy person talking to a wall.

"Who are you?" Aizawa said sternly.

"I told you! I'm Author!" She said with glee. "And I'm going to show you something."

"What could you show us?" Jiro hissed, annoyed at this random person's act.

"Jeez! No need to be rude, Jiro!" Jiro's eyes widened. "Any who! I'm going to show you"

Pause for dramatic effect


"The what!?" The class replied, turning towards the greenette who shrugged.

"The DekuVerse! It's alternate universes where your broccoli turned out... very different to say the least!" Author chaotically dug through her bag that she had on her back. She mumbled some things, then tore out a CD.

"Here it is! The first universe!" She looked at the classes reaction. They were confused and unimpressed, but some were curious.

"Let me explain. I have CD's, each containing a different dimension or universe. Izuku Midoriya is the main focus of all of them," Some of the students raise an eyebrow at the last sentence, before Author continued, "Each of your decisions affect the future. We will see what happened if Midoriya made some... interesting decisions."

Author ran off stage and clanking was heard. Finally the giant screen lit up and the countdown began.



Author sat down in one of the seats with a bowl of buttered popcorn and a coke.


The rest of the audience relaxed in their seats as well, some still cautious while some were focused on the large screen.



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