Can it be....?!

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Hey boss are you ok now? Dust said, I guess so... nightmare said. Hey boss wanna get something to eat? I made chicken horror said. I don't know guys I kinda just wanna stay I have a really weird feeling right now. Then do you mind if I bring food up to you boss? Horror said no sure thank you nightmare said. hEy bOsS wHy nOt after this you tAkE A sHoWeR? Error said. I suppose I could but I might try tomorrow error nightmare said, ok then well I'm gonna get food for you boss horror said, ok thank you horror nightmare said, no problem boss horror said. iM gOnNa gO error said. Same here dust said. Ok see ya later nightmare said.

(Nightmare alone)
(Right now)
I really hope you wake up soon moonstar there is so much to show you tell you about and have a nice life again, That's all I ever wanted. So please wake up soon I know the others would love to meet you, your an amazing human, I know it has been 3 months but still I miss you more than anything, today is different though, I feel like something is going to change 🙂 maybe that's a sign your gonna wake up today. Even so I miss you so so so much I can't wait for you to wake up and I can see your pretty smile again y/n.


After horror left the room when he gave nightmare his food, nightmare thanked him and left, night finished the food and threw it away. He sighed and left to get a clip board so he could put his work stuff on it.

(6 hours later)

Nightmare was about to finish up his work when he saw y/n's hand twitch, he dropped the clip board and watched Carefully. He wrote the last thing down he needed to on his work paper and then he watched full time. He then saw one of y/n's fingers starting to move nightmare was holding back tears, he waited so many months for this to happen he couldn't hold back, he started tearing up. Was this it was y/n going to wake up?! Again again and again every single one of y/n's fingers started to move, nightmare could feel his soul pounding ageist his chest. He watched y/n's full hand started moving soon y/n's feet were starting to move, at the last second y/n's eyes had opened!

Y/n! Nightmare said with tears in his eyes.

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