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Hey y/n, wanna go on a walk threw my forest with me? Sure! I would love dat daddy!! Y/n said excited, heh heh ok! Go get your coat on kiddo! Ok daddy! Y/n said running to get their coat, alright y/n let's get a move on! Ok! Come on, I wanna see the animals!! Y/n said pulling nightmares arm. Ok ok I'm coming! Gosh your strong, thanks! Y/n replied. No problem kiddo 😄

As nightmare was clearing the path of poison ivy, y/n let go of nightmares hand without him noticing. y/n had wondered off deep into the woods, soon they came across fog, that made anyone who came across it sleepy. Nightmare called it, The fog of nightmares and sleep, ya know because if you breathed it in you would fall asleep, until the fog cleared or someone took you out of it.

But then, that's just what happened. As y/n was about to pass out on the ground, there was a really bright tealish blueish light, then a pair of hands grabbed y/n and ran. Soon they reached a cave and y/n was put down.

*Back with nightmare*
Alright y/n I cleared a path of- Y/n! Damn it kid!! At least there are some footprints on the ground! I could use them to help find you! but also luckily, I have an idiot who is literally the definition of hunting someone down!

(Back at the cave)

As y/n recovered the strength to get up, they looked around the cave, it was quite nice to be honest y/n thought to themself. But then a black skeleton was in room view he was sniffing a flower, while sitting on the ground.

It was quite hard to see what the skeleton looked like since he was turned to the wall.

But he had a dark blue and black cloak on, with brown pants, once again the skeleton was black, and this time he had horns on the sides of his skull.


H-hi... y/n said shyly, what's a kid like you doing in the forest alone? The skeleton asked standing up turning around and eating the flower in his hand.

Soon y/n took a close look at the skeleton, and was amazed on how cool he looked!

Soon y/n took a close look at the skeleton, and was amazed on how cool he looked!

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Uh- I'm not alone.. I'm with my dad... that's dangerous kid, your dad could be dead right now for all I know! The skeleton said, uh.. can I know your name y/n said nervously, just call me darkwood darkwood said, ok y/n responded. May I ask who your dad? Darkwood asked. Oh my dad is nightmare! Y/n answered back, Wait wait! That's why I can smell lavender! Come on I think I know where he may be! Darkwood said running out of the cave holding y/n's wrist.

Y/n! Wait hold on darkwood  it's been so long! I guess it has been? I guess you got a kid now? Oh I aways had one 😅 thank you for bringing them back to me! Anytime darkwood said smiling, hey I've got like 18 more guest rooms would you like to make a guest room your own ;) wait seriously!? Darkwood shouted, yes! I would love that thank you nightmare! no problem darkwood now come on!

Nevermind dis is my favorite chapter!

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