The Original Au

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HeY bOsS, tHeIr iS an au tHaT is in dire need of being erased from existence, wanna join me? Error asked, sure, give me a moment error. ALrIght iLl bE iN the living rOom error said k,
Bruh!!! That's not fair! You can't cheat in Uno!!! 😭😭 epic said dramatically. Actually cheating is quite fun! Also can we play a different game? this is getting boring maybe like chess or something? Red asked. No, bruh sorry, 😣 I wanna win first! Epic cried out.

Alright let's go, hey moonstar, I'll be back! Tell me if one of them try burning my castle down or they will get it! Anyways have fun kiddo ;) let's go error, oK error replied.

As they walked into the portal y/n got really curious and before the portal had closed, y/n had walked into it, since error and nightmare can't sense when someone else is in a portal. They didn't notice. As error and nightmare teleported into actiontale ( I'm sorry I make up terrible au's ;-;) y/n was left alone in the portal of au's, since they got so curious and scared that they were left alone they started to cry, but y/n kept walking.

Y/n kept walking and they saw an au that had a skeleton that looked like dust just with his hood down and white eye dots. Y/n being 6 at the time couldn't tell the difference between dust and that skeleton, so they ran into the portal to hug him.

Dust! Y/n yelled as they ran over and hugged his leg, Huh? Sans/classic said, hey kid? Do I know ya? Sans asked confused. Uh- uh- who are you? Y/n asked confused. I'm sans, sans the skeleton, do you need something? Sans asked. Are you dusts twin? Y/n asked, d-dust, sans said shocked. N-no sans said thinking, oh... can you help me? I'm lost y/n said about to cry. Uh sure kiddo where do ya live do you know? Sans asked. I live with my daddy! :D y/n said.

I mean what does your house look like? What color is it? Do you know the biome? Sans asked, I live in a forest in a big black castle! Y/n said.

*Sans mind*
I don't think this kiddo is from around here... there aren't any castles on the surface in this area, and I doubt they walked half way across the country...

Uh kiddo tell ya what, until I figure out what to do, wanna come to my place? Sans asked. My dad said don't trust strangers... y/n said sadly. Can you trust one just this once? I mean he's right don't trust strangers. but you don't have anywhere to go sans added. Ok.. y/n said.

When nightmare and error got back they asked where y/n was the others said they haven't seen y/n, so they had to go upstairs and ask horror to sniff them out, while night was now angry at the others who knew error and he would be gone, that they didn't even notice y/n wasn't around.

Horror found out that they where in a different au from the smell of where errors portal led off to, he kept sniffing until he came at a stop to the original au, nightmare said he would go and find y/n so that's what he did, but with horror so he could smell them out and it would be easier.

See human! That is how you make spaghetti like a pro!! Nyhehehehe!! Papyrus said excited about his new friend, wow! Dat was very fun!! Y/n said happily. Ya mean pun! Sans said

Sans seriously!!!! Papyrus said mad, sorry pap it's a skele - ton of work to think bout dis so hard 😉 sans said laughing

*Knock knock!*
Wonder who that could be? Sans said questioning 🤨
Sans opened the door and saw nightmare and horror at the door, he was on guard.
No happenin' pals sans said ready to attack. Wow wow I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just lookin' for my kid horror smelled that they are here, do ya have them?
*Y/n sees nightmare at the door*
Daddy!! Horror!!! Y/n said running up to the door to give them a hug, *sans was in shock* these skeletons are really nice!! I made spaghetti with papyrus! And me and that sans watched a movie!! Can we come back! Y/n said happily, sure 😄 sans said. Yay! Thank you mr. sans! Hey don't go runnin' outside you'll trip again!! Horror said chasing y/n around in circles.

Nightmare said sorry for the mixup and they went home

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