The endless library

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Alright see ya guys in 3 hours, wait daddy! Y/n shouted. Need something love? Every time you leave you aways bring your reading glasses! There are books here where are you going :( y/n asked. Would you like to see my dear? Yes! Y/n answered back pleading in curiosity Heh k follow me.

Noot noot mind:
Wait... I'm not gonna tell the others I'm leaving with y/n, I wanna see how they react! Hehe I'm a Genius.
Oh hey nightmare 😋 I brought the new skele :) bill said cool I brought a child called y/n. REALLY!! 🤗🤗🤗yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Bill shouted floating around in the air. Hey bill? Do you know what a _______ is? Blackfire asked. Uhhh- yes? Why? Bill asked.
Hey daddy where are we? Y/n asked tugging on nightmares jacket. Where are we? Come with me...woooow!!! It's so cool in here! What is this place! Y/n asked with excitement in their eyes. Well my dear we are at the enchanted library! Me and bill created! It's only available to us, remember everyone at the meeting last time? Well that's everyone aloud in. Really! That's cool! Y/n said happily.

You guys done now? BILLS A TERRORIST!! Blackfire said running inside the 'LIBRARY' and I thought you'd be less dumb than bill! I will kick you both out! Sorry! Bill and blackfire said. Y/n welcome to the endless library! Bill said excitedly. Dude.. we are not in a movie or a book.. stop trying to act cool! Aww :( bill said looking disappointed.

I'm gonna go find a book! Y/n said happily, ah! What's wrong daddy? Y/n asked. Hon you have to stay with me. Endless means goes on forever. If I lose you there is a 000.1% of me finding you again. So please stay with either me,bill, or blackfire please. Ok.. y/n said sadly but understood. Now let's go find a book for you ;)

*Back at the castle*
...Everything is peaceful...

GUYS WE NEED TO FIND Y/N BEFORE THE BOSS COMES BACK!!!! Dust said in a panic. YEAH I DON'T WANNA BE THROWN ACROSS THE ROOM AGAIN!! Cross said. yEaH wHaTeVeR iM gOiNg tO tHe eNdLesS lIbRaRy bYe lOsErS! Error said. Wait but error bruh! The bruh boss is ther- we are dead ;( epic said sadly. We better find y/n =_= horror said ready to sniff out y/n's scent. Yeah we better ;-; killer said.

*Back at the endless library*
Oh yeah bill! Well well! I'm cooler! I can turn into a dragon! Or a bird! Blackfire said. Oh yeah! Well I can possess people/monsters! Bill said putting his hands on his bone hips. oH I fOuNd y/n ;) error said in his head. Why did you even come here? Nightmare said. Daddy I'll be right back! Y/n said. ok..

Hey Mr.Error what are you doing here? Y/n asked peeking their head around the corner. oH hey y/n I got bOreD so I figure I'd come hErE error answered back. Can I read with you! Y/n asked. YeS jUsT please don't tOucH mE error asked nicely. Ok I won't! Y/n answered back.

*10 minutes later*
They ditched me! T-T y/n!! Where did you go!? I'm over here daddy! Y/n shouted. Ok- you ditched there loudness didn't you? yEs they are aNnOyInG me error said. Mmm ok cool. They figure it out yet? No I didn't tell them error said.

*5 hours later*
Ok, so when we have to leave you both get along? We settled our differences! Bill said, yes we are besties now! Blackfire said. Yeah ok bye! Bye! Mr.Bill and Mr. Blackfire!! Bye! They both said back.

*When they got back*
Oh thank lord you brought y/n with you! Killer said hugging y/n. I'm not going to get thrown! Cross said crying happily. I knew that's why I smelled magic! Horror said. Ha ha you fell for it! 🤣 get recked idiots that's what you get for recking the library on the walls on the way up to my room! ;-; everyone made a sad face at nightmare.

Thx for reading
Everyone vote if you want me to bully the idiots more!

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