Its all your fault and it aways will be...

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8:30 in the morning,
Breakfast in nightmares castle.

Ok everyone I'll be back in a moment, ok boss everyone said. Ha! Take that idiot! Dust shouted, bruh that was not polite of you to throw food in my face! 😡 epic said angrily as he threw food at dust. FOOD FIGHT!! Cross shouted, stop throwing my food! Horror said upset. iM nOt gEtTing yelLeD at again I'm lEaViNg error said, guys why? Every time the boss leaves you have to start a fight? Killer said annoyed.

Yeah y/n! Great job kiddo I love i- oh my god you have got to be kidding me... IDIOTS!!!
*Everyone stops*
Why is it that every time I leave there is aways some reason you guys are fighting? I leave for 5 minutes and this is what I come back to! So annoying god... who started this sheety mess!
*Everyone points at dust and epic*
Of course, we will be having a talk later right now you to clean up the kitchen!

Epic and dust look down, they say sorry to everyone especially to horror and they start cleaning up the kitchen.

Hey y/n wanna go to my room? Killer asked, yeah! Can we watch a movie! Y/n asked. Hell- I mean heck yes!! Killer corrected himself excited.

Yeah you guys go do that, oh error I was wondering where you had wondered off to. There is an au that is just begging us to destroy, wanna come? SAhArAtAlE? oH yEaH tHaT aU is collapsing. So Wanna come or not? SUrE error agreed.

*10 minutes later*
BoSs wE gOt cOmaNy error said annoyed, great the star idiots! Brother you have no right to be destroying this au! Dream said holding up his bone arrow. Also!! Give the kid back! I don't want you harming them! You never learn do you! I knew you never changed a bit! Dream what did we tell you before! Ink said even more annoyed now. Yeah what's up with that brother? I would like to know just one thing.

What! Dream said still having his guard up. Are you happy? Wh-what? Heh, are you happy about everything you've done over the years, what do you mean brother? What do i mean!? What do I MEAN!? ARE YOU FUNKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW YOU IDIOT!! When ever I turned into this! You said it's ok Everyone I'll defeat the villain! That broke me dream!! Plus your dumbass brain thought is was a great idea to take away the 2nd only thing that keeps me from going completely insane!!

Nightmare... save it dream! I don't give a damn what you say! Y/n was 5 and they protected me from bullies! We were like maybe 15! You were fully capable of helping me! But no! You had to be everyone's perfect little prince! What about me dream! Fame meant more to you than your own brother!! Well guess what dream! I hate you!

And no we aren't heartless monsters who hate everyone! Even if I call everyone in that house except for y/n an idiot! We are a family! We have our hard times, but this au was going to stick like this forever if we didn't come and destroy it! I might not be good dream but I'm not bad either! So f away from my family! Error portal! Y-yeah oK... error said shocked by what nightmare just said.

iF yoU guYs dOn't wAnNa gO dOwN wItH tHiS aU I sUgGeSt yOu lEaVe! Error said while following nightmare out to his au. The last thing dream heard from nightmare was, it's all your fault and it aways will be. As they both drifted away in the foggy night of nightmares au.

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