~The meeting~

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Sorry for putting genders in sometimes I swear it's not on purpose! 🥺

:September 15th:

Alright nightmare you can do this! All that needs to be done is to walk into there with y/n and hope for the best they agreed and the others understood! Damn, this meeting better be quick y/n's bed time is usually at 7-9 at night, and then sometimes meetings can even last up to 6 hours! Ok, so after lunch? Maybe this will be quick. But probably not since I'm meeting someone, ok I need to stop and go downstairs!

Daddy!! I'm so excited to go today!! I can't wait to meet your best friends!! Y/n said excited. Uh- I wouldn't say my best friends? But ok glad your excited you'll probably never want to go again after this though -_- daddy stop being mean y/n said crossing their arms. Ok ok I'm sorry ;-; it's just they aren't my best friends! Ok when are we going??? Y/n asked. In like 5 did you eat already? Yeah I did! Horror cooked me my favorite food in the whole wide world!! Y/n said happily. Heh he really is the best! 😄

Everyone, me and y/n will be on our way now NO FIGHTING! Yes boss! Everyone said formally. Come on daddy! I wanna see your besties!! Y/n said running into a portal and grabbing nightmares jacket, y/n honey I told you this they are not my besties!

Alright kiddo, please try not to be too loud, I also want you by me the entire time. Until I find out who we are meeting... ok.. y/n said holding nightmares hand.

Hi Mr. Error! Hi Mr. Bill! Y/n said waving, HeYa error said waving while making a puppet, hello! Bill said joyfully. Greetings nightmare I have taken the liking to, that you brought y/n with you, thank you for your consent multi said in a respectful manner. Greetings to you to multi, i hope you've been at your best since the last meeting. Thank you multi says still being respectful.

Hey Nightmare, reaper said plopping down on a seat next to where hate would be sitting. Hello... I thought you didn't wanna be part of this group? Eh, changed my mind, I got bored so thought I'd try something new reaper said placing his scythe down. Hello everyone I'm glad everyone is here today on this lovely stormy weather, i see you have brought the little one nightmare thank you for that hate said entering the room with 404.

Now before we get started, I have someone for everyone to meet,Or if you already have meet again, hate said sitting down. Blackfire, would you please come out and show yourself to everyone please hate said trying to be as nice as possible. ( don't kill me for this plz!! 🙏 ) uh- his everyone, I'm blackfire, I live in the au known as blackfiretale, my au was corrupted with a virus and I was the only one who remained.

My brother papyrus is beside me standing as a ghost right now... I'm 234 years old, my birthday is January 18th and I hope I get to know you all well blackfire said formally bowing down. Wait... I know you! Aren't you the sans who was about to die but I saved? Y..yeah that's me? Are you nightmare? Blackfire questioned. Yes yes I am it's very good to see you again, yeah same here! Blackfire said. Alright now please take a seat in a free area! Hate said.

Alright so, now that we got that taken care of hello y/n, I'm hate, as you probably know, error,bill,reaper and 404 but me multi and blackfire don't know you, can you tell us, something about yourself? Hate asked.

*Chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter*

Alright that is wonderful! Isn't it almost time for dinner? You guys should get back before you miss it multi said, yeah wouldn't wanna miss the time where you eat food! Bill said laughing. Yeah yeah thank you everyone I hope you all have a wonderful day, oh and ill see some of you at dinner time error. Oh uh blackfire do you have anywhere your going after this? No I actually was just gonna stay here, oh that's sad, wanna come with us this place gets so damn cold at night and it's not a good place to sleep, so wanna come live with us? I'm not allowing anyone else after you!

Really that would actually be wonderful! Thank you so much! Blackfire said bowing in respect, no problem, now come on blackfire, Mr. blackfire wanna see something cool! Y/n said excited as heck, sure why not! What is it?? Blackfire said looking at y/n with sympathy.


Heh heh, I guess there was nothing to worry about, everyone who meets y/n away loves them, perks of having a wonderful sweet kind child ^-^

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