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Skipping the family's adventure to the miserable little shack on top of a rock to avoid the letters, the twin couldn't sleep as they sat on the floor and drew a cake with eleven candles on the sandy floor. They watched Dudley's watch, waiting for a new day to come.

'Only a few more minutes, and we will become eleven.' Elysia smiled.

After those few minutes, they twin grinned at each other, ready to make a wish in front of their sandy cake; "One, Two, Three--"


The whole shack shivered, the twins stood up upright, backing away. They stared at the door; Someone was outside, knocking. But soon, there was no more door to knock on. The man who was standing outside have wrecked the door.

Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley also woke up. Uncle Vernon came into the room with a rifle, pointing at the man.

"Mind, I haven't seen you since you were a baby, Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly 'round the middle!" The giant man said looking at Dudley

" I-I-I'm not Harry," He stuttered.

"I-I am," Harry stepped up closer to the giant.

"Oh, well, of course, you are! Got something for ya and yer sister!" He replied, "Fraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same."

The bearded man handed Harry a box and his sister walked closer to him to see what was in the box.

"Ahh. Baked it myself." The unknown man said proudly, "Words and all. Heh!"

"Thank you!" Harry smiled at him as he opened the box to see a pink acing cake, which read: Happee Birdae Harry, Elysia!

"It's not every day that your young man and the lady turn eleven, now is it?"

The giant sat down on the couch, took out an umbrella and pointed it at the empty fireplace. With two POOF! Two sparks fly out and the fire started.

"Well, erm-- sir?" Elysia called out, "Excuse us, but who are you?"

"Rubeus Hagrid." He answered, "Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Course, you'll know all about Hogwarts."

"Sorry, no."

"The what now?"

"No? Blimey, Harry, Elysia, didn't you two ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?"

"Learnt what?" Elysia asked, a little frustrated for not knowing what was happening.

"Elysia," He pointed his umbrella at the girl; "Yer a witch," He turned to Harry, "and yer a wizard, Harry."

"I-I'm a what?" They asked simultaneously

"A wizard and a witch." He repeated, "And a thumping good one at that, I'd wager. Once you train up a little."

"No, you've made a mistake." Elysia laughed sarcastically, "I can't be a witch. They don't exist."

"Yeah... no way I am a w-wizard." Harry whispered, "I mean, I'm just... Harry. Just Harry."

"Meh, I don't believe in them."

"Well, Just Harry, and um, Elysia, did you two ever make anything happen?" He asked, "Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?"

" Ah..." Harry faces softened as Dudley whimpered in the back.

"I broke things when I'm angry," Elysia said.

"Ah! See--"

"By throwing them into the wall."

"Oh... Anyway!" Hagrid handed them the same letter that has been sent in the past while. Harry opened his;


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., CHF. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of wizard )

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall.

Deputy Headmistress

As Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Harry, and Hagrid broke into a fight, Elysia could only make out a few words of her letter;

'Is this a prank or something...'

"Of course, we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! And then she met that Potter, and then she had you, and I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as ... abnormal. "

Elysia's attention has been brought back to them.

"And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up! And we got landed with you."

"A car crash? A car crash kill James and Lily Potter?"

"We had to tell them something!" Aunt Petunia argued.
"It's an outrage! It's a scandal!" Hagrid shouted.

As the Dursleys argue with Hagrid, no one noticed Dudley taking the twins' cake away.

"They'll not be going!" Uncle Vernon angrily said.
"Oh, and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself's going to stop him, are you?"


"Non-magic folk," Hagrid calmly to the twin, he immediately drew his attention back to Vernon and Petunia in anger. "These two had their names down ever since he was born! They're going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen: Albus Dumbledore!"

"I will not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" Uncle Vernon growled.

"Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me," Hagrid warned, pointing his umbrella at Dudley.

"Ahh!" A grey tail had grown behind him. The Dursleys shriek in both fright and horror, as they run off out of sight. Harry laughed at this, so does Hagrid. Elysia just scoffed in satisfaction.

"Oh, um, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that," Hagrid smiled at the twins. "Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do magic."

They nodded.

"Ooh, we're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course. Hmm?"

Harry grinned as he excitedly followed Hagrid.

Elysia looked between The Dudleys who still freaked out with what happened to Dudley; 'Am I supposed to just follow this man?? But I don't want to stay here with them... Oh well, better dead and have your organ sell away than staying here.'

[1046 words]

The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone [Draco Malfoy x OC]Where stories live. Discover now