I woke up in a mess. The sun was shining on me, it was way to sharp against my eyes. I tried to move, but then the pain came back. I still couldent scream, or make any sounds. I felt so empty, like there was nothing left in me. Just my empty body, no soul. It even hurted to have my eyes open.
Suddenly I heard someone shouting my name. It was Luke. He was desperate. I could hear it, he cried. I managed to look around and I realised that it had been a carcrash, but the tourbuss wasnt in it. The tourbuss was nicely parked on the other side of the road, with no injures. I realised that I had lots of shit on me. Metal, stones, dusts, but fortunately no people. And then he spotted me.

"Clary?! Hey, over here guys! I found her!" He screamed, still crying.

Firemens and people from the rescue crew came to help me. I could see an ambulanse too. They started to lift the heavy materials of me. Luke had his both hands behind his head and he looked stressed as fuck. He was hypervantilating, and Ashton came to calm him down. Luke wrapped his hands around him and burried his face in his neck. He sobbed and said "She wont make it, Ashton. " Ashton pushed him gentle away and said "You got to have faith, man!" He almost screamed too.

The firemen handed me over to an ambulanse when they was done digging me out. I looked around in the ambulanse and they was working so hard to get me back to life. It was kinda wierd, because I could see everything that happend, but I was still unconscious. It was one man and one woman in the car. They made the defibrillator ready, and they took it against my chest and gave me elctric shock, but I didnt feel it. I just left my body more and more, flew longer and longer up.

They gave me another shock.


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