🖤Ink Sammy x Sick Reader🖤

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(Your POV)

Me and Sammy had been living in the small city for a long time. The searchers and the Lost Ones became very fond of me. We know we can't leave this Godforsaken studio, so we're just making us home here. Today I woke up with a sore throat. I at first thought it was just because I slept with my mouth open that night, but during the morning it got worse. Sammy noticed and he told me he would be out to get some famous Bacon Soup.

Some of the Lost Ones came sitting next to me, trying to cheer me up a bit. I didn't like feeling sick, even though it's just a cold. A Searcher climbed onto the bench and laid its head onto my legs. For everyone who thinks the Searchers and the Lost Ones are evil, they're really nice! Sammy told me from the very first time I met him and them that they are the souls of former workers of the studio and their children. That's why there are so many of them. The Searchers are the pets of the Lost Ones, but they don't make a specific animal sound. I pet the Searcher's head and he looked up to me. Sammy soon came back with a bag full with cans of Bacon Soup.

(Sammy's POV)

I really hope I wasn't gone for too long. I didn't want to leave my Little Sheep for too long. Of course I trust the Searchers and the Lost Ones with her, but still. I collected about 20 soup cans for her, should be enough. I came back to the lowest level of the studio making my way back to my Lovely Sheep. There she was, sitting on a bench with some of Lost Ones standing around her and a Searcher on her legs. It was such a peaceful view, she really cared about them. Maybe more than I do? Yes, she does. The Searcher must've felt my presence because he jumped of (y/n)'s legs and crawled towards me. (Y/n) looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back from behind my mask. I walked up to her holding my hand out and she took it. "Thanks for taking care of her while I was gone, guys." I said. The Lost Ones all said "You're welcome!" And went back to minding their own business. I took (y/n) into our house and settled her down on the small couch while I walked to the small cooking table. I took a medium size pan and poured three cans of Bacon Soup in it. I just stood there to stir the soup from time to time and kept a small gaze on (y/n). 

(Your POV)

As soon as the soup got warm I smelled the sweet scent of Bacon and Honey. I saw Sammy looking at me sometimes but he made sure I didn't notice. Jokes on him, I already noticed the first time! "I always feel like, somebody's watching meeee~!" I sing softly and I giggle. Sammy immediately looked straight back to the pan with soup. Since his mask only covers his face at the front, I could see the red blush on his face clearly. "J-just checking on you..!" He says clearly flattered. "It's okay hun." I say, rubbing my throat because it hurts when I speak. Soon, the soup is done and Sammy pours in a bowl for me. "Careful, Little Sheep. It's hot." He says sitting next to me and putting an arm around my shoulders. I take the spoon and scoop some soup in it, carefully blowing and eating it. So delicious! It was a mixture of the salty bacon and sweet honey. The other substance was a creamy but black mixture. Bacon Soup looks like ink, but it surely doesn't taste like it AT ALL!

After I finished my soup Sammy took my bowl and asked if I wanted some more. I shook my head 'no' and he nodded. He placed the bowl on the kitchen counter and sat back next to me. I felt sleepy and rested my head on his shoulder. He softly hummed and he moved a bit so I could lay on his stomach. The relaxing sound of his breath was calming and made me drift off very quickly. "Rest your head.. It's time for bed..~" Sammy sang softly while giving a small kiss on my head. I smiled before drifting off to the world of dreams.

735 words

🖤Sammy Lawrence x Reader🖤 🎵One Shots🎵Where stories live. Discover now