🖤Ink Sammy x Future!Tomboy Reader (first kiss oneshot)🖤

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(Your POV)

A few months ago, Sammy let me go out of the studio. I mentioned that he was disappointed in me leaving so soon, so I told him I'd come back any now and then. He smiled so brightly when I promised him that. My mother was worried to death when I came home but she wasn't mad or anything. I had a wonderful birthday, and when I got back the day after the party, Sammy even got me something! It was a Bendy plushy, and hell it was soft! I cuddled with it every night and took it everywhere I went. Today was another day like every other would be. I went to school, got home and took something to eat and got out to see Sammy again. I'm currently at the last point right now, so here we go!

"Sammy, I'm back!" I yell though the building. Immediately a group of Searchers spawns out of the floor and tackles me on the floor, gurgling happily to see me again. "Come on you guys, give our visitor some space!" I hear an all to familiar voice say. The Searchers climb off of me and I see Sammy standing right behind them. I get up with a smile and he returns his while pulling me in a gentle embrace. "I'm so happy to see you again (y/n)!" He says hugging you tighter. You giggle a bit and say: "Me too Sammy, it was always so boring without you!" You wine and he chuckles. "Well, now that you're here-" He starts but the Searchers interrupt him by gurgling like their snickering. Sammy snaps his head to them giving them a glare and they instantly shut their mouths, turning into small puddles of ink. "As I wanted to say, (y/n).." He starts again. "Did you bring it?" He asks. "I sure did~!" You say pointing your head backwards, gesturing at your backpack. "Perfect~" He purrs smiling brightly.

(time skip brought you in the Music Department)

We went to Sammy's Department, aka the Music Department. It seemed that he set some things up, such as a table for two people, he cleared the whole front space of the Recording Room and he hung up some lights on the ceiling. I'm not always the type that likes these types of dates, but I just rolled with it. Who knows? Sammy leads me to the table and took two cans of Bacon Soup. This was the only place where I could eat something so different than in the world where I come from. He shoves my chair back so I can sit down. "Such a gentleman, why thank you kind sir~!" I say teasingly. Sammy chuckles and sits down himself on the other chair that's on the opposite side of me. "I'm sorry that we never eat something else together but Bacon Soup (y/n), but it's all we have here." He says, actually feeling guilty about the fact that we always eat the same food. "It's okay Sammy, I've never eaten anything like this before! I absolutely love it and I hope we never run out!" I say brightly smiling at him.

After we finished our dinner he stands up and walks over to me. I reaches out his hand and I take it. "You once told me you weren't the best dancer?" He asks and I blush a bit. "I.. Am good at shuffling, but not at the kind of dancing you know.. Heh!" I say turning my head away to hide my blush. "Hmm, take off your shoes~" He purrs. "H-huh?" I ask, not understanding what he means. "Like I said, take off your shoes~ And step on my feat." He says again. "O-okay?" I obey him and take off my shoes. I carefully step on both his feet and he takes one of my hands in his hand and places the other one on his shoulder. Sammy himself places his other hand on my waist and smiles. "Now, be careful okay my Little Sheep~?" I nod nervously and he starts moving.

We danced.. that's all I could think of. Since Sammy is a 7 feet man, I had a bit of trouble holding onto his shoulder, but it was okay. I soon got the rhythm and wanted to surprise him. When Sammy stepped back with on of his feet, I stepped off and started to dance with him. He looked surprised but fast enough smiled again. He twirled me around multiple times and we swayed on the music that was magically playing on the background. All the sudden, when Sammy twirled me again, he hold onto my waist with both hands. He pulled me closer and our faces were really close at this point. "My dear, would you mind taking off my mask? I think it's time you get to know the truth.." He says. I nod and reach for his mask. I make out a head with barely a face on it. He was a sharp jawline and the silhouette of a nose. He doesn't have specific eyes tho, but black holes for eyes. All this time I could only HEAR his face expression but now I can really SEE it!

"I'm sorry I kept this a secret for you (y/n).. I just got very insecure about my appearances since Susie left me..." He says with a sad face. "I understand, but you told me she only saw you for your status, and your money.. I on the other hand look at the inside. And now that you've taken off your mask, I can see the person I've been talking to all these months..!" I say cupping his cheek with one hand. "Y-you really mean it..?!" He asks with a surprised face. "Of course dork!" I say and with that he lifts me up, twirls me around while I'm up in the air and asks: "Can I kiss you?" I blush at the question but say: "YES!!" And I smashed my lips on his.

1011 Words

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