🖤Human Sammy x Sister Reader (Platonic)🖤

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(Sammy's POV)

'I'm going to lose my sanity very soon.. I know it.. THIS PLACE..!! THIS FUCKING PLACE IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!' I thought as I held my head my fingers intertwined with my hair. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't concentrate at all. 4 cartoons in one day and they ALL need a freaking song before tomorrow 5pm. Yeah Joey, just what I needed.. More work to drive me insane! I look around while I'm trying to relax as much as possible and see my office surroundings. I see multiple posters of Bendy and a lot of papers with music notes and songs lyrics on them, but one thing I see is my most priced object here; a photo of me and my sister. Her name is (y/n) and God she was an Angel! She doesn't live here in New York but lives in Paris, France as an artist. I miss her so much, she was always there to cheer me up.. I wish I could see her again and do something nice together. I smile at the thought of spending maybe a week or so with her. We only get 7 vacation days a year and I'd spend them all just to be with my sister. Wait a minute... "That's it!!" I say smiling brightly and I quickly take a blank piece of paper and my finest pen. "Just you wait (y/n), you're coming to America..!" I mutter while keeping that smile plastered on my face.

~Time Skip~
(Your POV)

I was in my office, working on a sketch for an exhibition in Le Louvre. Sure my work was exhausting but I loved it anyway. A knock was heard on my door and I stood up from my desk walking towards it. I opened it and it was the woman from the front desk. "Miss Lawrence, there's a letter from your brother." She said kindly handing me the letter. "Oh how sweet of him, thanks Miss Belshaw!" I smile warmly at her and she nods. I open the envelope and take the letter out.

'Hello dear sister,

How are things going in Paris? Is it lovely there? Or do you wish to go back to New York ASAP? I'm just kidding sis! I know how wonderful Paris can be and I'm so proud of you! However I do wish to see what's have become of you in all those years we haven't seen each other. Do you mind coming to New York soon? I will fix it with my job and we can spend a whole week together! Just you and me as brother and sister, what do you say?

I already put some money in the envelope in case your answer is 'yes'. I really can't wait to see you again sister. I miss you very much.

Greetings from New York and your dearest and only brother,

Sammy Lawrence'

I smiled and let a tear stream down my cheek. I checked the envelope again and saw $300 in it. I smiled brightly and took my work stuff, my jacket and my hat. I ran down the halls to the stairs and waved Miss Belshaw goodbye and ran all the way back to my apartment. When I got home I grabbed my suitcase, laid it open on my bed and grabbed my clothes. Some fancy clothes, 'cause I know Sammy would absolutely take me to a fancy restaurant to celebrate my visit. I took some formal dresses and two summer dresses since it was nearly summer. I also put in two pair of shoes and my toiletries. I took my purse, my sunglasses and my passport. "America, here I come!" I cheered and rushed out of my house, grabbing a taxi that drove me to the airport.

~Another Time Skip~

I just landed in New York. The flight was nice, real sweet staff I had on my trip. I walked out of the airport with my suitcase and looked around. Man, it sure did change over the years. I looked further and saw some taxies waiting for their customers. I walked over to one of them and the uber driver kindly helped me with my suitcase. We stopped at the Studio Sammy works for. I paid the uber driver and went inside. Everyone looked up from their work and I smiled kindly at them waving. Some waved back while smiling too and some looked at me in surprised. One of the many men in the Studio walked over to me. "You must be (y/n) Lawrence, right?" He asked. "Yep! That's me. Did Samy told you I'd come?" I asked him nicely and he nodded. "Yes, he did. My name is Franks by the way, Wally Franks." Wally said and I shook his hand. "I'll take you to your brother miss Lawrence, he's on the lower level, the Music Department." He said while he led me through the many halls.

When we got there, I saw a huge sign saying: 'Music Department. Director: Sammy Lawrence.' "I guess my brother really found it well here?" I asked and giggled. "Yeah, he sure did. However, he now really isn't doing very well. Maybe that's why he invited you to come here?" Wally asks while we keep walking. "I don't know, but I hope he isn't doing too bad since he always put a lot of pressure on himself since our parents died.." I say. "Yeah, Sammy told us about that.. Sorry about that Miss Lawrence..." Wally said and I smiled. "Thanks Mister Franks." I smiled and we walked into a long hallway. I could see an office in front of us saying: 'Office of Sammy Lawrence, Music Director.' "Aye, Lawrence! Ya sister is here! Come on out!" Wally yelled knocking hard on the door and a chair shoving back was heard, followed by fast footsteps. Sammy opened the door and he was very surprised to see me, but also clearly very happy. "I'll leave you two for now, pleasure to meet ya Miss Lawrence!" Wally said and left.

I waved Wally goodbye and turned back to my brother. "You're gonna hug me or what? Give your sister a big hug Samuel!" I smiled brightly and he did the same giving me a long and tight squeeze. I hugged him back with the same strength and he laughed happy tears and I did the same. "Oh my goodness (y/n)!! What a wonderful surprise to see you here!" He said letting go of me bringing his hand to his cheek, still smiling brightly. "A surprise? You were the one sending me a letter to come over here you dork!" I laughed and carefully pushed him. "I never thought you'd come! I thought you'd be too busy visiting me!" He said also pushing me. "Too busy to visit my younger baby brother? No fucking way Sammy!" I laughed and he frowned playfully. "I'm only 10 minutes younger you little witch!" He said hugging me again. "I don't care. You're still my baby brother!" I laughed hugging him back.

1166 words

A/N: Part 2? Sorry for not uploading so much, I ran out of ideas but here is another chapterrrrr💕

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